Monday, April 29, 2019

Personal - Space Stone - Gypsum

Hi Blog,

Previously, I had collected my Soul Stone and Mind Stone. What is next? I scanned through the internet and trying to confirm which mineral will emit certain coloured fluorescence. And I don't know where I can source out for others in my own hands... Can you imagine a random guy holding a UV torch shining on their crystals in their store?

Believe me, my anxiety will kick my out of the store asap. So... I can only do it online and rely on whatever internet can give, which makes my hunting more difficult. Let's me explain why. Meanwhile I got myself a UV filter which will help to reduce the purple hue greatly.

This is ZWB2 filter.
What is so magical about it? Let's find out and finally found my Space Stone!

This filter is used to get rid of the large amount of visible light. (you can read up more here)
I have to glue the filter on the 365nm Convey 2+ torch. Now it becomes my personal useful tool which protects our eyes.
Okay, let's talk about the hunting for Space Stone.

I found out that there is one type of mineral named Diopside will have blue fluorescent property, but they are very costly on eBay especially the shipping and they are not 'full'; meaning they are only appeared less than 40% of the surface of the rock itself. Then I found out one seller sold his at an affordable price. GOT IT!

Hmmm Weird... I have an uncomfortable feeling about it...
After I stone my UV light on it... I shake my head and want to give myself a REAL TIGHT slap... I should demand that seller to use a UV torch and send me a pic of it's fluorescence level. Now I got a speck of BLUE dust!
Seriously! I am so angry with myself... Until I found one beautiful mineral named Gypsum.

I love the handwriting of this seller. Very genuine and sincere.
Normal yellow stone but the result is impressive!
I used my LED UV torch (Left) and Safety Glasses (Right) It glows in blue except the yellow tinted glass changes the colour greatly, but it has a Beautiful glow!
On the left, is taken with my 365nm Convey 2+ without filter, and right is with filter. Can you see the different on how much light it covered?
What amazes me more is right after I had done taking picture. Let's look!

Gypsum has a phosphorescence property!
What is phosphorescence? Phosphorescence is a process in which the energy absorbed by a substance is released slowly in the form of light like glow-in-the-dark materials. OH MY GOD! My favourite Stone which worth to keep! (you can click here to read more)

Space Stone - Gypsum
Please teleport me to my loved one! NOW!... Hmm... okay... I don't have any...
Three down Three more to go.

Let's look at the overall collection!

Aren't they beautiful?
Awesome mineral to own
Hope you like it as I do.


~Infinity Stones Journey~
A Display Box
1st stone spiked the journey
Short-Wavelength Lamp
Soul Stone - Hackmanite
Mind Stone - Wernerite
Space Stone - Gypsum
Power Stone - Calcite
Reality Stone - Ruby
Time stone - Autunite
All Stones Gallery

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