Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Swimming - Hougang Swimming Complex

Hi Blog,

I have an idea to pay a visit to all Singapore public swimming pools/complexes. So far, from the gathered list, I have covered 75% of the pool except for some pools which I have not made a post of it at all. I will do so sooner.

Today I will visit the Hougang Swimming Complex.
Hougang Swimming Pool's entrance is convenient for drivers as its entrance is near the car park, but visitors like me who come from MRT will need to walk a big round to reach the entrance.
The yellow and blue fences are noticeably unique for classic swimming pools like Hougang.
Grand shelter entrance
They have a baby pool and a simple water slide for kids.
The toilets are well divided. Neat and organised. I still can 'sense' the days when their wants divided.
Hougang Swimming Pool is a wide and flat swimming pool.
There is no higher or lower ground here. Oh yeah, did you notice the watery-graphic design on the light pole? So interesting.
Have you noticed an ugly and untoned swimmer here?
Yeah, that's me. Here usually a lot of gym-fit people visit the pool as there are gym and running tracks beside the pool. Hope I I have a gym body. Oh well... Suck my thumb and move on with my life.
Hmmm overall, the Hougang swimming pool is rather decent, but try not to go during weekday evenings and weekend mornings, because it is situated in a neighbourhood area where most of the residents can access there easily; which means... It will be crowded with kids and swimmers! I guess I will never want to waste my trip to visit Hougang again during the peak hours. One down, a few more to go!


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