Friday, April 19, 2019

Hiking - Induction Hiking for my Trisuit

Good Morning Blog,

Today is Good Friday, a day to remind ourselves what had Jesus sacrificed himself to remind ourselves that we have sins by carrying our own crosses (SINS) and repent and turn a new leaf (a better self) than having Jesus Christ to 'die for us again'.

Anyway, I doubt anyone will understand. Since it is a holiday, I will spend some time to go on a hiking trip and an induction program for my spare white Trisuit.

630am it is just like a normal day for me and perfect weather to hike.
Today I will wear my spare white trisuit for an induction hiking. You can click 2xuwhite to look through the sweat it had absorbed.
Time to teleport to Bukit Timah
Oh wait... I need to show the trisuit around my usual route and begin our induction hiking.
Hey, my favourite white Trisuit, usually I will like to hike alone especially to places where lesser crowd.
Introduce my photographer who isn't judgmental and capture moments of my journey. You can click on EX-FR100 label to see how many journey we had gone through.
Let me introduce to you the wearer - I am Jeff, the nerd who just wants to wear something comfortable and give myself an encouragement to work out and maintain my untoned body. So sorry that you ended up on me than those who are way better than me. But my love to you is real. I love white and treasure you always.
Usually during the hike, you will see my friends around me like Miss Nature, Mr Sun, Miss Sky etc etc
Miss Nature usually will embrace me with her arms which I feel peace and surreal.
Hiking in the morning, because Mr Sun will take a long time to charge himself. Morning time is the best time to hike than noon which Mr Sun is at its fullest!
And loneliness is part of my hiking experience - So I will spend time to do reflection and self-talk.
After a while, I will get better. Even though I am a weirdo, to begin with, but I am just a normal nerd who just likes to be whom I want to be. Wearing a trisuit gives me a sense of professionalism and determination; a superhero-feeling. YOLO-feeling. I doubt I can continue to wear you when I got older.
Oh yeah Sometimes, Miss Nature will send some hidden messages to me like this, to remind me that I always want to have a life partner but I don't have such fate... But I have them. :) Partner may not mean a GF, it can be friend or others too.
So since JJ has some time to spare before he returns to his country...
I decide to bring him to see Mr Quarry, so let me show you how majestic he is.
Don't you like the scenery of Quarry? :)
It is a nice and peaceful sight to see tortoises and fishes swimming in the water.
Oh? You feel embarrassed about how others look at me? I fully understand how you feel. To be honest, I will also feel embarrassed too. Wearing you with my untoned body and a plain non-handsome face, will only become an eyesore to others especially when you are white. So... Honestly, I have some anxiety issue...
But after many hiking experiences, I have learned to just be myself. Others can laugh at me and give me nasty comments, but I am doing it for myself, as long as you don't judge me.
(Credit JJ) The more that you embrace me, I will be okay. Just like my blog, she embraces me as a person who is trying to love myself.
(Credit JJ) Exploring the new and revisit places together, are joys in my life :)
And also, having a friend who is non-judgmental and accepts who I am, is just PURE rewarding and comforting.
Why waste mental energy on someone who doesn't care and judgemental.
(Credit JJ) Check the size of the trunk. Just by looking at the side of the trunk, we will never understand how massive it gets. So for me, I should learn how to grow inner-ly.
But one warning to you, I sweat a lot and at the time, you will be soaked and turn smelly. Hope you don't mind that I don't have a manly smell but an aroma of the disgusting smell.
(Credit JJ) Thanks JJ for helping me to take pictures for me.
There are many interesting and usual places that I like to explore.
(Credit JJ) I just hope you will be in the picture with me and together with my other trisuit members.
This will be the Last Quarry for the day - Singapore Quarry
Hope you have a great day today
There are many other quarries nearby and I will take you to those places some days.
I believe you must be tired.
Ooooo beside Nature scenes, something we will learn some old building structures in Singapore
(Credit JJ) The induction hiking is a success :)
(Credit JJ) A thumb up for you and welcome to my life
(Credit JJ) Thank you White Trisuit
Thank you JJ for accompanying and taking pictures for me. We only meet for two times and hope you can get your ideal job in your country.
Sooner, my photographer will have better equipment to stand at eye-level
Hope it will arrive sooner.
Nice fruitful Saturday :) Time to bath together. end of the Induction Hiking, my white trisuit.


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