Saturday, November 25, 2017

Product - Spiderman-Tron Costume - Part 4 - TronSpidey

Hi Blog,

Since it was late night, best timing to try out my new personal superhero suit from Zentaizentai.
TronSpidey - I got a U-Shape Zipper on Back - Easy to zip up.
Overall, I found the shoes were too small for me to fit in... I guess I will cut the back of the shoes to fit.

How I looked?
Doing the typical Tron pose!
Check out the back design
Overall design
My dream fulfilled; I felt so happy. The fabric was Jersey Lycra.
Time to wear the mask.
I also ordered them to make two opening for the mask.
It comes along a decent faceshell
Magnetic Lenses easy setup than the China one.
This one and I can't sell it away... or use it....
TronSpidey was born!
TronSpidey and Spiderman Suit
Looked like this TronSpidey is crying...
But still satisfying! Okay! let's go out and shoot!
I am TronSpidey!
I just needed an Identity Disc.
Hmmm... my fat body can't compliment it well...
Did I hear someone coming out from their houses???
If the two circles on my chest area can be designed around my shoulder area will be better.
Well... Don't complain! :)
Black Spiderman!
Overall, I found so difficult to take off the suit as I was so scared I might spoil the suit while I was trying to pull my head out from the suit....


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