Monday, April 8, 2019

Personal - Soul Stone - Yooperlite

Hi Blog,

There is something interesting which I will like to share with you. Let's check the video below.

OH MY! A glowing stone! I found such video on random IG feed and it excited me, which I began my research!

Found on the shore of Lake Superior
I learned that Yooperlite was just discovered by Erik Rintamaki on June 2017. You can check more in the video below.

On that night, I learned that there are many minerals which will glow or have fluorescent property; and Yooperlite is the first verified Sodalite documented mineral. You can read up more here and here. I also learned that different minerals glow in different colours under UV light. Then I googled and amazed by the colours. (click here to read more)

Beautiful, aren't they?
Anyway... Why it matters to me because when I saw Yooperlite... I think of... SOUL STONE! INFINITE GAUNTLET CRAZE is BACK!!! Check the video below!

I wanted to have one of these! So I went to the official selling Yooperlite website (link) and then eBay (one of the honest sellers). I found eBay has many of them selling yooperlites, because due to the hyper, the price is quite costly.

Oh man! How I wish I can stay near the lake and collect Yooperlite as hobby.
One of the eBay sellers, H, she shared with me many interesting information about Yooperlite - Like...

how it will look like when we halve the stone. Not much different.
Finding a large yooperlite is very rare and can cost a high price.
She claims, right now the lake is frozen, so might start hunting after months.
Personally... I am actually worrying that because of such news, many people around the world will go for Yooperlite-hunt like Gold-hunt in the past, then it will become less special.

Anyway... I got one special and brightest one from her. I know it is costly that is why I must get the brightest! As you can see, not every stone will be Full glow under UV light.
I got this from her :)
After nearly two/three weeks of waiting, my SOUL stone finally arrived!

But something happened... I typed in the wrong unit... Ended up, it had been sent to the wrong unit and luckily, my neighbour didn't take it as their own or return back.
OH MY! This is the legendary Yooperlite! Maybe I might be the first Singaporean holding on YOOPERLITE!
Let's try my UV light! Hmmm...
On the right side, it seemed like it glows orange but in fact, it isn't.
The UV light is too STRONG and casts a strong purple hue onto Yooperlite...
I have to photoshop by leveling to get the 'fake' colour
ZN helped me to take with his shades to reduce the intensity of the light with his P20.
 (from ZN) Result... Hmmm...
(from ZN) Not impressive... I am disappointed. So I researched and consulted H.
H shared that she used a Convoy 365nm from Gearbest for under 20 bucks and it ships from China. And H suggested I should get a yellow safety glasses to cover my phone lens which helps to reduce the purple hue.

(from H) The pic (left) was shot without yellow lens covering the camera, and the pic (right) was covered by the lens. Wow! Impressive!
I will get a Yellow Safety glasses myself, not just for photography but for my eyes. I got rather drained after using my UV torch.

You know how I feel when I got this Yooperlite in my hand... I said, "One down, Five to go."
Then... I got myself this... craze...

Other stones are coming...
The Soul Stone
Unedited version

Hope you don't judge me from collecting my Infinity Stones! You may click here for the next stone - Mind Stone - Wernerlite.

Updated 23rd Apr 2019

I got my 365nm UV torch and a yellow safety glasses! Here is an updated image (unedited) of my Soul Stone.

Nice colour with Safety Glasses and 365nm torch!
My Infinity Stone collection begins!
Updated 28th Aug 2019

There is a news about the mineral within Yooperlite and because I feel the amount of fluorescent in Yooperlite is a bit not-great. So I decided to find its 'full' form of my Soul Stone here.


~Infinity Stones Journey~
A Display Box
1st stone spiked the journey
Short-Wavelength Lamp
Soul Stone - Hackmanite
Mind Stone - Wernerite
Space Stone - Gypsum
Power Stone - Calcite
Reality Stone - Ruby
Time stone - Autunite
All Stones Gallery

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