Saturday, April 13, 2019

Hiking - Upper Seletar Reservoir Visit

Good Morning Blog,

This week I do not have a good chance to work out and want to bring my waifu out during this weekend, but... I think again. I promised to bring Iv to the quiet place, but he already had planned to go on a cruise with his family.

I guess I am used to different timeline situations. I shall not be affected and learned to move on.
I tried to wake up earlier because I will be covering two locations - One is Upper Peirce and another Upper Seletar.

Untoned is my middle name.
Oh well, time to teleport to the meeting place.
oh? Haha the lift doesn't charge enough to reach the meeting place so I have to take a bus to cover the remaining journey.
I guess I am early to meet Uncle J.
Because we started earlier than usual, I decided to explore somewhere...
Let's go near to the lake bank of Lower Peirce
Morning dews filled the grass here :)
The morning sun here is always so cheerful and energetic.
I wondered how will Lower Peirce looks like during evening time. Sadly, the gate will close from access by 6pm...
I am surprised to see a pine-liked tree growing here. What a beautiful tree
How I wish I can show this amazing scenery to my friends.
what a perfect and gentle sunshine
I decide to sunbathing a while
zzz... OOPS, I was nearly fell asleep because yesterday I only slept for five hours. Kind of tired.
Time to go and accompany Uncle J
What a scene here. :) Beautiful, isn't it?
Besides the sunny side at Lower Peirce, Upper Peirce also has it's cool side.
What a Yin and Yang place :)
Few more to complete the Trisuit theme
It has been a while since I "float" around.
Time to leave this place after a short reading session.
Before we left Peirce, we bump to a newly, beautiful bed - web. I feel like to lay on it. Anyway, I tried my best to snap and finally, I manage to capture one of the clearer shot from many attempts. Do you like it?
Along the way to our next destination, we notice that the sun starts pouring in it's wonderful sunray.
(Credit Uncle J) I want to bath in it :D
(Credit Uncle J) Look like Alien is going to abduct me. Hahaha
After another 4.5km walk from Upper Peirce, we finally arrive to Upper Seletar. This is my first time arrived here. (I did visit here before but I have not checked out that place yet)
Why I want to visit this place because...
I want to visit the tower
Seletar Rocket Tower
It does look like rocket! :D
Uncle J tried his best to walk such a long distance. I am sorry that I didn't study the route enough.
Seletar Rocket Tower is the iconic landmark for Upper Seletar.
Some reading about Upper Seletar :)
It is nice to see the dancing cloud in the sky :D
What a peaceful place :D
Look at the tiles for this, that's classic.
let's go up to the tower
Spiral-stair is a cool stair ever.
Oh my! The Arial view from the top of the tower is rewarding!
FINALLY! I am here today!
It will be a perfect dating place with your loved ones and look at the evening sunset :D
Where is my loved one...
My negative emotion starts to flow back...
I guess I will sit down and clear my mind.
It' s late. Time to go back home asap. I'll be back here again. :) wait for me.
I hope you enjoy as I do. :) I will try to visit this place during evening time. Let's do it!



  1. Thanks for your beautiful shots and the unique description of the place and your thoughts.


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