Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Personal - April Randomness

Hi Blog,

I can't believe we have already passed three months of 2019; time flies so fast and people come and go... Writing blog has become my habit or I should say a personal space where I can be me. I can't expect others to know who I am, they can think/judge whatever they want, I can't be bothered now... At least I have a space which embraces me.

Here is my April Random post - short and random.

2nd Apr 2019 - Don't know why... These few days I feel so tired and don't seem like have enough rest. Many people will resolve it with a coffee. I guess I will have to keep my best to stay awake by stretching myself often.
4th Apr 2019 - Trying different route to look out for newer theme. Even though it is raining but I will still keep up the slow jogging. Most importantly is to sweat it out.
9th Apr 2019 - Frog in the Well 井底之蛙 Do you know the meaning of this phrase? Usually people will not like to be one of those... But to think again, they are quite pitiful as they are bound by the size of the well which limits themselves. So we should learn not to belittle them because we might be them too... The only way of not to become one of the well-frogs, is to respect whether info that it can give/contribute, and by exposing them with more information about the sky they are looking at... Never fear being one because we will hop out from it one day, but fear to think that we won't be the frog at all.
10th Apr 2019 - Today... I sold my white trisuit away... I already missed my beloved suit. I believe it will compliment that next guy more than me. I gave it a last hug and sent it off. Now in Singapore, I am not the only guy who owns a white trisuit anymore.
11th Apr 2019 - Feeling drained while working, then I find a place to rest to regain a bit of energy - slacking. But I can't rest well... I go down to the staff room and one of the female teachers who I have a bit of crush with, shares with some of her snack - What a snacking!
12th Apr 2019 - Trying some new route and it was unimaginably long for a short route.
18th Apr 2019 - Finally! My Magic Array wireless charger has arrived! The sense of creativity and awesomeness spice up my normal life greatly. Hahaha. Perhaps subconsciously I always hope I can have the power to spice up my life like others but I know it is just daydreaming. So at least, this is just some comfort item. :3
21st Apr 2019 - (credit ZN) Manage to visit Shi Lin Market despite of the crowded news. But I don't purchase anything as I just want to witness the festive.
24th Apr 2019 - This is my first time learning how to bowling and we are so lucky to meet and take pictures with SG National Bowling Player. So Fortunate of us!
26th Apr 2019 - Feeling some arm sore due to continuous swimming these days (link) I do feel like giving up but since it does not happen all the times, I shall continue through.
29th Apr 2019 - It has been a long time since we meet up. Seems separated but our hearts still connected to one another. 

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