Friday, November 30, 2018

Personal - Random November

Hi Blog,

Looking back my Randomness on October, there were so many things to be grateful for - from my neck, food, and people around me. Thank you, Heaven for taking care of me. For Nov, with my new phone and replaced camera; hopefully, I will take more good quality pictures. Let it burns with my hotness!

1st Nov 2018 - My first selfie test with my new phone BV9500 Pro. Can't get to it, no sign of countdown. Not good not good...
1st Nov 2018 again - Trying to familiarise with the timer. I really have to freeze to be capture. Oops, did I pun it?
1st Nov 2018 - But happy time won't last forever... After someone heard that it is a tough phone, they just banged onto something and cracked... Really!? Sigh... Why... But I am thankful that that person actually trying to rectify it by calling an Blackview agent in Singapore to pay for an replacement screen protector. If it happened on other people, they will not take responsibility but to blame on me. Hope it won't break from now.
5th Nov 2018 - I was tasked to prepare labeling stickers for another staff, and that machine will print the number of the same label together. I just simply took a pair of scissors and divided into bits for that staff. In that moment, I paused and questioned myself, why am I doing that? He could do it himself? He won't even appreciate what I did here. But... NOPE! I do this because I respect myself and everyone. I do it because it is the basic. I do it because I am not seeking for any return. I do it because it is a right thing to do for everyone. I am an unsung hero! :D
5th Nov 2018 - Today was a great sunny day but... but... just when after I dressed up, the cloud told me to stay at home...
7th Nov 2018 - Looking at the mirror, I feel so happy that the lump subsided. Even though it is still there but I am recovering for sure!
8th Nov 2018 - Remember why I said I don't like mud in my post? Because I don't like my feet to look dirty and whenever I wear my white pants, the shoes will stain it. Still, I have to be thankful to this pair of shoes, I got it from Shanghai last year and went through many adventures together! My favourite Alien Green Shoes.
12th Nov 2018 - Left my workplace early so that I can jog, but the rain caught up with me. After I alighted from bus, I saw a lady struck at the bus stop, so I asked her where is her destination. She replied to the same block as I am, so I decided to share my small umbrella with her. Hahahaha... End up, the umbrella can't do much to shield two people so I just made sure that she was properly shielded. The smile on her face and gratitude explained all. :) I glad I did that.
13th Nov 2018 - Seriously... my phone auto-focus function sucks than iPhone SE... I took like ten pictures and only two are clear while the rest can't focus well at all... It also takes its own sweet time to focus...
16th Nov 2018 - This morning I felt so happy to see breakfast on table. After a few bites, I realised something... I spotted Chives in the meal... Honestly, I felt rather upset, a bit of disappointment and helpless too, because it was kind enough that the staff included my breakfast while ordering from the company; as the ordering portal stated "vegetarian meal"... I have not eaten a decent meal these days due to wallet-issue... Barely have enough to purchase ingredients for my lunch. With all the feelings, I still have to choose to waste food... into the bin... Really... Why like this? Oh? Yes, Blog. Why I can't take Chives? You can read this. Please take it as I have strict discipline on my diet.
16th Nov 2018 - Kind of hungry today... but since the weather was good, then I should go for a jog. One thing happened after I finished my jog - I passed by one of the stores under my block, one of the staff lady saw me and commented, "Today so sexy ah." Hahahaha... I was so shy.
19th Nov 2018 - SCHOOL HOLIDAY! YES! Let's go, my waifu! I have never been so happy to cycle. :)
20th Nov 2018 - These few days just kept on raining... Missed the days when I can swim and sometimes chill at the pool.
22nd Nov 2018 - Today I was tasked by my AM to buy vegetarian Mee Fan breakfast for three staff including mine. When I checked my wallet, I left with $5. So I bought two staff's breakfast exclude mine, and ate some biscuits. In my mind, I am ready that I get the money back and learned to keep quiet even though my heart does feel sour. I guess I have a lot to learn to be strong. But thanks God, at the end of the day, my AM passed me the money and her share to me. Feeling strong in 'red' (happy).
22nd Nov 2018 - Thank you, WH for initialed a wefie together before you graduated. Jia you in the next phase of your life, just keep up the learning attitude and you will be successful.
22nd Nov 2018 - Oh my! Good weather today! What will I do next? I GO FOR A HIKE with Dongsaeng K! Last November Hike before I travel. Cheer!


  1. Good morning Jeff. It's so nice of you to share your umbrella with that lady. Great job. Kindness begets kindness. I am sure that lump will disappear one day. I once also had a lump (cyst) in my right hand. I consulted a doctor and it was growing bigger as days passed by. He told me to remove it through surgery. I told him I would get it done after my holiday to China. But in China I met a tuina master who noticed my lump and he just simply pressed against the lump hard and then applied bandage on my hand. He told me to remove the bandage only on the next day. I did what I was told and just like magic my lump disappeared.I was so happy but was unable to thanks him personally as he was no longer there.

    1. Hey uncle Jimmy :)
      Thanks for reading. I am just doing whatever I can, I glad I helped.

      About the lump, yes it’s on it’s way subsiding so I hope it will subside more :)

      But Wah, you met a great tuina master! Well done!


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