Saturday, November 10, 2018

Personal - Helping Out a Wedding Proposal

Hi Blog,

Share with you something exciting, my bro, WY wanted to make a surprise proposal to his girlfriend and visited me to help out.

On Friday night, my friends and I went down to orchard central to setup the place.
Because we needed to decorate the table with flowers.
My first time participating this kind of event and did this flower arrangement
I must say I have the talent, hahaha!
Around 9:30pm when the Joie restaurant is about to close down, and ensured decoration is done in the next day.
Let's have a group shot
Who worked behind the scene
In the next day, the girls helped to do some final touch-up.
spread some rose petals on the table too and then finished it with a 360 camera
There were a few things needed to be ready too - like this bouquet of flowers
Placed in the seat so that WY can pull out for the surprise proposal
And lastly, the helium balloons had arrived in time.
Let's take a final look and see what we have missed out
Thanks goodness the roses were ready too
Pink roses checked, no sign of damage
T's hardwork of painstakingly hot-glued every single hearts on the board, and got scalded by it; and can't attend this event.
WY and MR photos showcased their sweet moments together
And today will be the day when they decided to move their relationship to another new level
Okay, we had cleared with the exterior, and Mr and WY's parents had arrived to the restaurant too
Everyone will hide behind the curtain, waiting for the cue.
WY and MR family were briefed and rehearsed by us, and they were ready for it!
MR entered the room and she was shocked by the setup, and we filled up the rooms with our cheers and helium balloons!
She seemed rather calm and expected. Haha
Bonquet of flowers was handed over to WY
Both of them were awkwardly nervous
He kneed for proposing
Lucky he brought the ring
And she said Yes!
Congrats WY and MR!
Everyone captured this moment with their cellphones, that's convenient.
Rose may looks beautiful but it comes with thorns
I know things will always have two faces so I should not feel envious :)
Surprise proposal was a successful
Time to change the setting...
To a new wording...
He asked and she said yes!
New happy couple
Let's have a family shot
It seemed like the boy is trying to tell us something
We were very hungry now... Let's start to enjoy some great food! (you can read more at this post)
Joie Restaurant gave them a special treat
After lunch, let's have a final shot for the day.
I am happy to see my bro got the gal whom he likes, be happy and loving.
Happy day!
MR, are you happy for today arrangement?
She was more or less aware something is going on today because her mother behaved 'unusually'.
But she is still happy for today arrangement.
Time for air pollution
I see it as money can be earned easily and wasted easily too
Credit those two ladies who introduced MR to WY.
Successful Surprised Proposal and thank you for a sumptuous treat!
I started to reflect myself... in the past, I will feel rather upset whenever I attended any wedding-related events... But as for today, I just moved on and enjoyed the special event for my friends. Not that I am negative, I just simply accept my destiny.


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