Monday, November 26, 2018

Trip - Harbin - Day 3 - WanDa Mall 萬達茂

Hi Blog,

It will be a short post. Here we will be going to an 'Atas'.

We came back from our morning shopping trip and after a while, we were about to move out for somewhere 'atas'! One more selfie shot for my nice soft hair.
Just outside our hotel, there was this Sweet Potato stall
And I got one for...
my dinner later. Oh man, it was a huge one!
An interesting building structure - very stylish and from that, I know it is not cheap in there
Welcome to WanDa Mall!
WanDa Mall is one of the grandest shopping mall in Harbin and it is spacious and 'Atas'. You can read up more here and here.

Check out their grand hall! Spacious!
It is like a big swimming pool which I wish to have. okay... stop dreaming
Beautifully constructed roof!
Neatly designed flooring
Let's take a picture together before we explore this place
The pricing and brands in WanDa mall are the same like other Singapore shopping malls. I went to Zara and found one or two clothing I want, but the price got me hesitant of buying (since I didn't carry enough money with me) so I skipped it.

MQ told us that the purpose of bringing us here, was to show us the whole Hei Long Jiang. We were puzzled and followed him to WanDa movie park.

He claimed there is a flying theater showing the overview of HeiLongJiang and there was a promotion for buying the tickets. (original price is RMB 80 but promotion price is RMB 29)
For Singaporean can't resist discount, so is a Big Yes.
General interesting layout in the Movie Park
A theme park inside a mall - Nice! Let's look what is inside.
Interesting cotton candy - I will love to make this and setup a business selling cotton candy in Singapore. Not because I want to make profit, I just want to see the smile on people's face when they are awed by the sweet sweet cotton candy art.
Rather empty here
So... which movie is this from?
Since it was empty, meaning it was a good time to take pictures
Come! Let's Wefie!
My auntie also loves to take pictures.
Smile, Auntie!
Difficult to get my mother to take pictures with me, I wish the tripod can come sooner...
But I can't let my imagination runs wild here
Hi good brothers. I have never had a chance to take pictures with you guys. I respect you for taking such important role.
Entrance for the flying theater
Time to go in
Love how they decorate this place - autumn feeling
Meaning a wefie time :D
This is what happened when... you are the only customer
Pictures like tourists. Oh wait... We are tourist!
Cheer for the beautiful dragon-sculpture
Oops! There were visitors.
Everyone was attending a briefing session of what we supposed to take note of before taking the ride. It was a beautifully animated introduction.
Time to buckle for the ride - we were told that the second row is the BEST seat for the flying theater experience!
Let's go!
Wow, the flying theater experience over HeiLongJiang was amazing! I did secretly video the whole video but since they mentioned no filming is allowed and don't wish to encourage anyone follow my wrongdoing, so I deleted the whole video even when my mother insisted of keeping it.

It was 6.30pm, the dark sky had already triggered our neurons thinking it is late night. We went back home and started packing our stuff because we needed to take an early train to Beijing.

I took a good long warm bath and first time wearing paper undies... I was surprised it is so durable, hope it will come in other styles.

And worn my trisuit-pajamas (I just missed the feeling) to sleep with it...
Good night to Harbin. Click here for Day 4 - Train to Beijing



  1. This flying theatre is similar to the one in Canada. The Canada Flyer but it was expensive for about 10 to 15 minutes of enjoyment.


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