Sunday, November 25, 2018

Trip - Harbin - Day 2 - SongHua River 松花江

Hi Blog,

My mother's wish is to visit the ice festival at Harbin; but based on the locals, they told us that we came at the wrong period, as the festive will only begin at the coldest period - January.

But MQ won't want to disappoint us, he drove us to a place where I only study on textbook
Where is our next destination?
We will be visiting a ice lake! WOW! We passed through a tourist attraction - Sun Island, nothing much but a place for visitors to take pictures in a park.

A horseman greeted us
Nice proper proportion
We will be purchasing some cable car tickets beside this building
Meanwhile I shall check this area
My imagination started to run wild here but in a normal mind, it looked so veiny.
Just stood there and awed the scenery
Something beautiful under our feet - they are serious on their aesthetic
We will be taking a cable car over to SongHua River - seems rather new and well-maintained
Spot a pretty lady at the ticket booth :3
Something funny here - there was a couple requested to sit in a car themselves (happy time together) so we let them have the car but... at that moment after they hopped onto the car, four more people came after us, started to rush into the car and became the four BIG lamps (you can look at the left side in the picture - It was so funny when the couple expression turned sour)
Wefie moment
Enjoying the bird-eye view of the beautiful scenery - Song Hua River
Looking back
ooo! Some portion of the river got frozen
This is a BIG river as compared to the river between SG and Malaysia
I can only see such blue sky at other countries than in Singapore
Sunset... but it was just 230pm
Looking down and admired how nature freeze the river
Did you see something interesting here? Some people ice skate on top of the frozen river!
COME ON! Faster!
Our hotel is just a few kilometer away!
Spot something beautiful - the shadow of the sticker - showing winter is coming
Here is an overview of some tourist attractions in Harbin
You can zoom in closely to see the detail (I tried my best to take a clear picture of it but it is still blurry)
Anyway, the moment had come!

Just check out how thick the ice is!
From what I had learned, the water will be frozen for inches depends on weather conditions. For that thickness, it is still not that cold relatively to January. Cool! All the science facts started to reload!
Play the song, Frozen - Let it Go
oooo! A sandy beach
From pictures, if I didn't mention the river was frozen, you may think the people just walked on top of water
Smile and be careful, don't fall (slippery)
Too bad my stupid crowdfunding tripod has not arrived in time (really disappointed), I will have a better shot.
It seemed like it won't be 'Let Go' (it will stay the same until spring comes) when it was frozen
More time-freeze
I learned something today. Humans are fun-loving creatures; so do other animals too; even in the situation (eg. Cold freezing river turns into a different 'face', we learn to adapt and have fun with it.
We are used to see a frozen cube but this one is naturally made - transparent stone
MQ just skated on the ice like a penguin
I can only freeze, thinking the sheet of ice begins to crack due to my weight
So if anyone asked, can you walk on top of water? My reply is Yes.
Despite I hold the crystal in my hand, it won't melt
Just watch it glows!
4pm - Sunset and a nerd
and the people who were having fun
until now... I didn't move much because my shoes were not suitable to walk on ice. So... I can't go far
Let's have a group shot and ended our icy moment here - Everyone Freeze!
Time to go back. Looked like the 'early' (5pm) sunset made me feel so sleepy and tired
OOOO a beautiful giant piano sculpture
My dream is to be able to play a piano and I guess...
I can only...
play the music notes in my mind, playing Winter Sonata
It is great to have reminder like this to be gracious; but it is also bad that such fundamental values are common senses... we just 'lost' it and need to be restored.
Since we can't see snow or ice sculpture, a ice river is good enough. :)

Anyway, the day is short at Harbin during winter period even though we still have time before official evening time.
So we continued to spend our night for some shopping trip - Day 2 Night shopping.



  1. Ice Festival is usually in January to February when the temperature is about -40oC.It is a common activity during winter months to ice skate in the frozen lake.I am sure you really enjoy the scenery and experience in such temperatures.Beautiful shots.

    1. Wah -40 degree? That is crazy! Have not tried that before. Haha -19 to -10 is already gave me quite a challenge. I can’t imagine -40 degree


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