Friday, November 30, 2018

Trip - Beijing - Day 7 - Beijing Zoo 北京動物園

Hi Blog,

It was our seventh day. Many of them felt the soreness around their calves and feet but I don't feel anything at all. I guess the long distance hiking has trained me well.

Today it seemed like we had seen enough of Beijing - China ancient architects and cleared some of the common ones.
Some suggested Beijing Zoo. Well, that's new. So we took public transportation to that place, thanks goodness that the locals and whatever app they use to navigate.
From outside, it doesn't look like a Zoo entrance (Singaporean narrow mindset) and more like a park
I think I am right - it is a PARK but with a zoo theme
After I took a picture of this... I realised...
I took a wrong camera...
I didn't bring a zoom lens or DSLR for this place...
Below are some random animals' pictures. All I can do, is to use my pathetic phone to try to capture at the best as I can. If I have a DSLR, the photos will look this crappy.

A big bird like an old man
Those birdies are so cute and smart!
Yoh! I am a black angry bird!
I tried to remove the background and print it with a blue sky (in my mind)
A printing at the background helps but at least something
Why can't they put grass in the cage?
Next stop was to look at some aquatic animals and insects
Some explanation/information about certain animals where people just passed by
A 'Nerd' frog
'Stoner' tortoise
'Pretender' mantis 
Bugs which make ladies screamed their heart out
Mr Cool Big-Gecko
Some beautiful and detailed exhibition but no soul to be found
Really, they put in effort here
With different seasons
What a spacious zoo, relative to Singapore zoo; which also means there is a lot of walking!
Great to have someone to take pictures for me
Even though the framing was a bit off but I appreciate my aunt volunteered her phone to take pictures of me
Next - Monkey zone - China has different various of monkeys which I don't get to see in Singapore
and a lot empty spaces too because of cold weather - they can't be playing outside
No effect for penguins though
Even Polar bear got lazy and bored...
First time seeing this big bird - I have never registered this type before. Very smart looking bird!
Visiting a zoo, is like checking how the owner takes care of its own pet (in a big or exotic scale) I remembered that I visited one aquarium at China before. I have never really enjoying have a good, close look at the animals, because their living condition is pathetically maintained. Same situation here too. Why don't they really spend more money to setup their living condition?

How I wish I am loaded to make a Proper zoo.

Anyway... One of the ridiculous charges, is have to pay for panda enclosure. Panda is just too overrated... But people will pay to see panda than support the real endangered animals. Well... It showed people will pay/give attention to some thing more aesthetically pleasing.

Finally got to see a panda but it back-faced us
Felt kind of sad for it though...
I am not here to criticize the ugly truth and just continue browsing.

Before we finished the tour...
Let's take a last wefie before MQ and his GF continued back to their hometown to work. Thanks MQ for bringing us around for days!
And my solo shot
with a dab. (believe me, I did this while no one was looking at me)
Peaceful and tranquil scenery
And we can't complete this whole zoo
I found a perfect Maple leaf and I lost it along the way... WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, My mother and aunt were tired and most of them were hungry, so we ended our journey sooner.

And MQ wanted to bring us to somewhere special - GongDeLin 功德林



  1. MQ Was here in SG last time to work or study? When was that?

    1. That handsome dude was working in sg two years ago. :)

    2. You should post some more pics of him LOL. No past pics? Has he seen you wear the trisuit before or trekked with you,Jeff?

    3. Haha he doesn't like to take pictures, I only manage to take some pictures of him at great wall and songhua river.
      He saw me in trisuit while trekking but didn't trek with me, he doesn't like to workout

  2. Lol thabk goodness you have managed to take some pictures of him. So handsome and yet shy
    Haha. How tall is he like? How u know he doesnt like workout? U asked him? Did he comment when he saw you in trisuit?especially white one? LoL

    1. Hahaha yeah he is handsome, in china, many girls kept peaking at him. He is 180cm and he doesn't like to workout (kind of like a lacklustre) he saw me in it, he didn't say much besides saying I looked fat.

  3. The next time u see him take more pics of yandao ok? Haha

    1. Hahaha I think he does take a lot of pictures on his wechat

  4. Jeffrey Does he have weibo? Probably no facebook right? Lol

    1. Hmmm let's me ask him,if is he comfortable to give or not :)

  5. Lol just curious to read about how his life is like there LOL

    1. hmmm he doesn't reply though. Maybe he is busy, might need to wait. MY apology.


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