Saturday, November 24, 2018

Trip - Harbin - Day 1 - To the Hotel

Yoh Blog,

So excited to arrive Harbin safely and enjoyed the free air-conditioning weather. After a 20 minutes ride, we finally reached the city.

Harbin Airport :) Begin my blogging session
What a clean city

Unlike Singapore, filled up with greenery trees, here is bare and surrounded by tall buildings.
MQ got us an estate which converted to a hotel stay, smart rich boss I must say.
It is clean and tidy - the standard of a pleasant stay. As for nowadays human beings, they feed us with wifi connection and thanks goodness, I downloaded a VPN for Android - Thunder VPN which able me to stay connected with Whatapps and Instagram. Let me check you around.

Living room with an extra bed for me
Nice clean toilet and an ugly le me.
Oh! There is a room inside there
Small kitchen
My mother and auntie will be sleeping together here.
And I will have the bed myself so I can...
Snore my way through!
Nice view from the window - oh my... it was COLD!
MQ brought us out for dinner and in China, 99.5% of the restaurants don't have a vegetarian menu so I have to find an alternative.

I realised that most of the stores seem like closed but in fact, they are still operating (just check the light above)
I went to this store a few times and lent my ears to the owner to share his experience of setting up his stall and I decided to buy some stuff from him.
I didn't know my photographer was on and took his picture. Anyway, be strong, uncle.
My 1st meal for the whole trip - preserved vegetables and sweet white rice
ooo! This is the famous 冰糖葫芦 Tanghulu (link)
Good to try it for the first time but not daily consume. TOO SWEET!
Those were the stuff I bought from the small stall owner. All the best to him
Okay then, time to clear all my notifications and rest ourselves for tomorrow. Click here for Day 2 - morning errands.


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