Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Plants - SG VFT Survivor Clones - 9th Update

Hi Blog,

It has being a while since I updated my VFT growing experience. (here is the previous post #8th update) Honestly, my interest on VFT is dying off... one because I don't want to stain D's reputation with my failure and it is not a cheap hobby.

I bought another pot of live sphagnum moss because I wanted to grow more of them too.
On the 8th Oct, I decided to uproot some VFT cultivars and put it in the new sphagnum moss pot.

I picked Cupped Trap, Red Piranha and Big Mouth. They looked lousy. :(
Okay! Done! Those green surely give me some happiness.
On the 15 Nov (one month later), the moss has outgrown!
Big mouth seems like doing well.
Cupped Trap seems struggling.
Fused tooth seems fine too, slow but not died is good.
Red Piranha seems unhappy still.
So far, they are coping, and maybe another two more months, they will be better. Let's check how are the first batch doing!

Big mouth seems happy here :D
Fine tooth x Red is also coping well.
Aww... the Wacky Trap throws out so many traps already!
Back to the normal pot, Big mouth isn't doing well... despite I had changed the media.
Fine tooth x Red seems alright.
Flame something I forgot, seems good too!
But not for Red Piranha and algae is everywhere.
Wacky trap is coping slowly.
Overall... I don't have much expectation how it will turn out. I am kind of tired already with my CP collection and kind of sad too. Because... I thought it will be good to have friends to share same interest in growing VFT and support one another; but the fact, once I become a failure... the support becomes a burden...

Maybe I should grow some shxt, it is more suitable for me...

Oh! Sorry... Blog. I am being too negative. Sorry... I am just angry with myself for being a failure, like I want to stand up and keep trying but... I can't afford to... it is like a handicap person who sees his legs in front of him but he simply can't move it at all! The frustration... and to add fuel - people around him, just keep telling him to move his legs and demonstrate of how easy it is to them. Anyway... I am just venting. My apology.

I will learn to accept whatever I have in front of me.


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