Sunday, November 25, 2018

Trip - Harbin - Day 2 - Morning Errands

Good morning Blog and Harbin!

I didn't have a good rest because the hard bed platform and soft pillow; is bad combination.
What will we be doing on the second day at Harbin?

But before we begin our day, check out Harbin from the window
In front of the hotel is a school - Look at the number of basketball courts!
Cloudless sky seemed positive :)
I felt the coldness which came into the room... Do you see the air-con behind me? It is not releasing cold air by the way. If you need air-con, just open the window. LOL
Anyway because we will be traveling to Beijing on our forth day, MQ brought us to the nearby train ticket booth and got us a 6am train to Beijing (seriously? That's nice! So that we won't waste too much time.)

Oh my! Morning at Harbin is VERY Cold; colder than night time!
Check out the sun rise which gives a yellow taint to the surrounding and it is 630am
Since purchasing of train tickets is near our hotel stay, we shall do it with a good morning walk
And enjoy some beautiful scenery
I had to cover my nose and ears because I can't feel them anymore
Looked at the plants along the pavement, most of them were stripped bare and left nothing but 'bone'
A simple train ticket counter and no queue needed because the locals purchase their tickets online, but for foreigners, we have to walk-in
That's 'convenient'
To travel by train from Harbin to Beijing is RMB 300+ (S$60+) Seems decent price
Ah! This is the famous Saint Sophia Cathedral (Neo-Byzantine Russian Orthodox church) 聖索菲亞教堂 dating to 1907, now housing a local history museum. Too bad, they were under renovation. (read more)
I am not used to see a dried plant like this, but I know its life force is not on its branches or leaves, but its root. So we should not rely on our visual to judge the situation, because the truth is always untold or hidden, unless you learn to 'know' it.
I am just amazed by the building structure which fused two cultures - Russian and Chinese.
This will be the place where we will be taking our train from.
After this, My mother expressed her interest to do a bit of marketing so we visited the mini-mart nearby.

The moment when I stepped into this mart...
I feel so comfortable and at home (just like Singapore Super-mart)
Just check out the size of this mushrooms! It's so huge!
My mother also wanted to buy some souveirs for her friends, so MQ suggested a place where I might like and fulfill my mother's request.

So we continue our Harbin trip to Chinese BaRoQue District 中華巴咯克歷史文化街區



  1. So you went for a free and easy trip. It is also better to have a local (ex-tenant) to guide you along.Beautiful buildings and supermarket.

    1. Yes, it was a free and easy trip. Without the local, I won't dare to go! Hahaha

  2. Did you find the prices of the goods in the supermarket cheaper than in Singapore?


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