Friday, November 23, 2018

Personal - My Macaron Craze Day

Hi Blog,

Today was my last company staff retreat with MCE, as I will be switching job but still stay at the same workplace, doing administrative stuff. I won't go into detail because today post isn't about my job switching but about the fun day with my colleagues for the last time.

This is our first time having staff retreat outside company compound and hosting at Funsiamo SG.
Funsiamo SG (link and facebook) is an interesting place where you can learn to bake and bond with friends.

You can learn to bake on your own instantly! But the pricing is scary for me.
A very clean and tidy 'Kitchen' in a shopping mall.
Hey JL, thank you for being my great colleague for all MCE years.
Anyway back to Funsiamo, it is 'kitchen-hotel' style.
Lady boss of Funsiamo SG gave us a simple tour around the kitchen.
Time to transform become a Nerd Chef!
Today I chose to make Macaron.
I have never tasted Macaron at all. I thought it was read as 'macaroni' and confused with another spelling 'macaroon' too. English language is really... not my weak point.

The different between Macaron and Macaroon
Here are the standard ingredients for making cakes or biscuits.
Standard tools for cooking too - timer and weighting scale
This is my first time 'zeroing' on the scale
Weighs the bowl
Then zero it to get the actual weight of the next ingredient. Interesting!
Oh yes! Not to forget the tools.
All the sweet sweet stuff to make Lv 3 < food
I am going to start making Ballet Reverie Macaron.
I felt so fun on getting the precise weight.
(Reserved for the recipe - waiting for JL to send me)

I decided to make something different... a rainbow Macaron
Push push
What a beauty! It reminds me of an ice cream pop. What about you?
Carefully squeeze it out (Fail work)
Just look at the rainbow tone. :3
Okay... I didn't follow the template.
Because this was my first cooking experience.
Check out my fellow colleague's completed macaron - he also got inspired by me.
DONE! I felt that I should put more colouring to make them look colourful.
What do you think of my rainbow pearl macaron?
I feel that I didn't manage to perfect the size of the macarons. Hope I can be better.
I gave out many of my rainbow macarons and received some of my colleagues' too. It was my way to express my appreciation for all these years.
Overall, I had a fun retreat to make some food like a science lab/art studio, to witness the changes in different ingredients fused together and form something new. Great to try out new things. That reminds me of trying out a new job scope. I believe I will find a new/better way to break out from a norm (recipe/instruction).


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