Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Personal - Busy from Day till Night

Happy Deepavali Blog,

After a long five weeks of working on October, today is a PUBLIC HOLIDAY! So what will you be doing during holiday? For me... let me check my calendar... I will be busy as usual! LOL! What programme do I have?

Cloudy Morning
Let me share with you what have I done for the day, sometimes I wonder... Am I crazy?

Morning until Noon - Attended an important meeting for year-end activity, then rushed back to get ready for next one.
What do you think I will be having during the noon? Yes! Hiking! How will I waste the holiday and also because I need to guide Uncle J to explore MacRitchie as promised.
But the sky turned its face so fast...
It seemed like it won't rain in a distance.
Credit Uncle J - Finally I managed to get a shot where I can see the lake and myself in a picture.
This is Uncle J. He is a cheerful and humble uncle, he stays near MacRitchie but dare not adventure too deep. So a guide is a Must.
But who knows... Cats and Dogs arrived!
We can't process forward but to hide under a shelter and had a good chit-chat
But I just love soaking under the rain.
If I don't carry a bag - my powerbank and 2nd phone were inside.
Not to forget that I hate mud... and I wore white for that day.
Hahaha but the cats and dogs won't last long.
But we had to stop here because it is not a good to complete the whole MacRitchie in one-go.
A picture for the day with Uncle J and exited to Lornie Road.
Do you spot anything special?
The ground was steaming and evaporating! Interesting sight!
Before I sent Uncle J to the nearest bus stop, we had a short break and I learned a lot from his life experience and he also gave me some words of advice (as I told him that I am still single at 40...), then he reminded me that "Don't married, just to get married. Plus, don't expect you two will be together forever because either one of you will leave this world at different timing (inevitable) So treasure the moment and live healthy and happily."
It seems like I have to be strong and face the challenges before me
I glad besides Uncle J, there are many people ensured and consulted me regarding my worries
I learned that it is a normal thing than taking it negatively.
Alright! What's next after Uncle J?
Going back home...
Waiting for another group of friends who I promised to meet up and guide them in MacRitchie since two years ago.
And finally we met! They just wanted to familiarise the routine to Tree Top Walk, but we will do the basic first before the actual one.
It seemed like they were happy and will like to try again.
We will plan again.
Two hikes for the day. Am I crazy or something?
The weather seemed like getting heavier.
A map of the two hikes - the one at the bottom part of MacRitchie was with Uncle J and the another routine at the top part of MacRitchie was with my friends. Overall distance is like walking around MacRitchie, not that far. :)
After back home for a good bathing, as I smell like shxt, had a quick dinner, went out to attend a night class which ended late and took the last bus home.
My eyeballs started to shut even while walking, just feel too tired. At least a well spent holiday, I must say! And I had covered so much for today!

I have to thank my peers to allow me to leave early, friends who adjusted themselves to suit my availability and work within the time frame I have.



  1. Thank you very much to be my guide. It's great to know you as a friend who are doing a lot of wonderful things. Till we meet again for another hike.


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