Sunday, November 25, 2018

Trip - Harbin - Day 2 - Night Shopping

Hi Blog,

It will be a short post, I just want to show you around the shopping malls nearby our hotel stay.

They built a lot of skyscrapers and turned them into hotels. This district is located in the heart of Harbin.
My first shopping mall which I visited
It is like orchard road selling all kind of winter wears. Even the well known brands like Nike or UnderArmor, the pricing is as horrifying as in Singapore. Sigh... How I wish I can purchase one good item from those stores at an affordable price for the poor.
Interesting tiling which I won't see it in Singapore. It will be a perfect wallpaper if I can take without me standing in the frame.
There are many restaurants and shops advertising their existence to passersby.
Looks like a HK street but this one can't compare to HK where space is a constraint.
My dinner - Thanks Olive vegetables and Japanese sauce to spice up my plain meal 
My mother and auntie were too tired, they went back to motel and I went out alone to explore the more shopping malls and hoping for something unique.

At least my photographer was with me
So far, beside beautiful smooth skin girls and not-so-cold night.
Night time was not that cold as compared to morning time, but it was still freezing... -10 degree
I wanted to cross the street and take more pictures under that structure...
But nah... I felt so tired... Like as if it was 11pm but... it was just 8pm...
Oh I spotted this message in the hotel lorry. I will practice this motto.
During my oversea trip
When I am back
Back to hotel. I noticed something which I was so happy about... MY HAIR! I have never felt so soft, light and not sticky before! I love it so much but... lacked of volume...
After bathing, thanks goodness that I brought my wearable sleeping bag...
to keep my sleep warm...
I don't even need to cover with the given blanket which was cold within.
and enjoy the cool weather.
Next morning, MQ brought us to somewhere special for more shopping. Click here for Day 3 - MaKeWei Commercial Building 瑪克威商廈



  1. Well you seem to be well prepared for this trip.

    1. Haha can't say well prepare though, more like let's see it works or not. Haha


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