Thursday, November 29, 2018

Trip - Beijing - Day 6 - Flag Rising Ceremony 升旗

Good Morning Blog,

Today we engaged a tour agent to plan the day trip for us which include the Great Wall of China at a good deal.

Don't know why... I felt rather insecure...
Our first itinerary is witnessed the China Flag Rising Ceremony. Sounded so exciting and got to see some grand entrance etc etc.

The tour guide will brief us on this bus
The guide told us to be careful of pickpockets because all the experts will gather there and never talk to strangers.
Then we proceed to TianAnMen Square after briefing
I noticed there are many such tour-groups having the same itinerary - bad sign...
Beijing's cloudless morning sky
Something here which I sensed a bit of sadness... Don't know why
Okay... CROWDS!!!
okay everyone, smile with the crowds!
Basically I am too short to see anything here, my mother and auntie also the same.
In order to view the ceremony behind the wall of tall people, we have to use our phone
have not started yet
At least MQ is tall, he can see anything at ease
Sun just woke up, is it going to start? We stood there like 30 mins long smelling people's back
Perfect! Stay there!
At this moment, some people take this opportunity to sell their selfie stick for S$2
With Selfie Stick, you should not have any troubles...
I was wrong, kids started to become annoying level of wall...
Cannot take it anymore
Let me go to the front! Tall people stand behind us!
okay. The flag rising ceremony was about the phone screen size.
And no epic wind to lift up the flag.
What a waste of time!
Seeing the soldiers brought out the flag from the phone screen, made me think of China's darkest history by somebody... You can google a lot of information about him.

I understand that he did it with an iron fist because the emperors hold power and incapable to lead, without extreme move, won't be able to evolved. But... The cost was drastic... In-benevolent emperors will pay but with millions of lives of people, and thousands years of culture and values... Oh well... History will serve as a reminder for people and a brighter future. Hope those people won't sacrifice for nothing.

After the flag rising ceremony, we exited ourselves from the parade square quickly before we got stampeded by the exiting spectators (over-exaggerating).

Our next in our itinerary - Great Wall of China!



  1. Yes you have to be extremely careful with your wallets especially in crowded places not only in China but also Europe. My niece lost her whole wallet there without even knowing it until she arrived home in Canada recently.


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