Saturday, February 27, 2016

Personal - Joyful Experience of Buying Books from BookBarn International

Hi Blog,

Finally, the waiting of my collection arrived!

nice weather to start my day
Some sharing about my past

When I was young, I love pictorial books especially nature and science related. In 1989, I saw an ads about a set of encyclopedia -  The Illustrated Encyclopedia Of WILDLIFE and in order to collect those, they will release a book in once every two weeks which costed S$9.90. It has 52 volumes in total. 

During that time, I tried to save up to get the books but at times, I can't get it in time as S$9.90 was slightly challenging for a young kid myself. Eventually I made a deal with the bookstore assistant/boss to keep the books so I can save up slowly. Sadly my mother wasn't keen me buying such books because it was too expensive and she found useless for me. And around Volume 22, I stopped getting it due to I collected toy - Zoids too, so I didn't get back to the bookstore and I saw the books increased in volume in shelve but I didn't clear it at all... As time went by, the bookstore closed down and I tried to purchase ten more from him but there were other remaining volume I didn't manage to get it in times before it closed down...

As I got older, I browsed online and found a website - BookBarn International which sells the remaining volumes. I emailed to them and with their kind and friendly assistance, they sold me the available remaining volumes at discount price and sent internationally at a reasonable price!  

Okay back to topic

Heavy sack!
Thank you BookBarn International!
This are the remaining volumes! 
Around 89% completed
I still have remaining volumes which is not available from BookBarn... I hope any visitor who is reading this can help me complete my dream. Below I lay out my collection from Volume 1 to 52, the covered ones are the one which I am still hunting for. Just look at how BEAUTIFUL the covers are.

Hope I can complete this one day.

They got a new space :)

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