Sunday, May 7, 2017

Cycling - Back to My Good Old Place

Good morning Blog,

yesterday (link) my down moments haunted me but at the same time, I received signs and antidotes from Heaven and got me stand up again.

So I decided to dress up my least choice jersey and cycle to the quiet place to cure myself

Lets go with my fatbike and smile.
Awww... the tranquility of that place was smoothing... I wanted to just snooze off... but
WAIT WHAT?! My Tight got torn! Oh dear! :(
My expensive long sleeves Tron Podium Jersey was gone....
Oh well... I can't wear this with my friends around... I will wear this whenever I visit this place; hate to let it go in waste...
Nice weather today
I guess... I can't wear the tight anymore... I will keep the top and see how it will look like if I wear over my trisuit. (link reserved)
A wild tick spotted on the floor, thanks for not sneaking on me.
Time to start my reading and I am surprised to read the title of the story I was about to read (I will share below).


The English version of 八風吹不動 is "Unmovable Eight Winds" which you can read here (link) as I can't simply copy and past it here. I got affected emotionally and spiritually, are due to I was weakened by the eight winds.

The "eight winds" (八風) are 
  1. Praise (稱) desire be admired and praised directly
  2. Ridicule (譏) to be criticized and defamed directly
  3. Honor (譽) desire admired and praised in one’s absence
  4. Disgr​​ace (毀) to be criticized and defamed in one’s absence
  5. Gain (得) to obtain what one desires
  6. Loss (失) to suffer loss
  7. Pleasure (樂) to be happy in body and mind
  8. Misery (苦) to suffer in body and mind
and they are interpersonal forces of the material world that drive and influence the hearts of men. It seemed like I have a lot to learn to be strong. I will move toward the Light.


Just this story was good enough to make me reflect and repent. Oh! The storm was coming, thanks Heaven for everything. I shall cycle home. :)

On my instagram (link), my ex-pupils showered on me their care and concern by leaving comments. :) Thank you D and MY.


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