Saturday, February 29, 2020

Blog - February Overview

Hi Blog,

Sometimes I have been wondering... How are my readers feel towards my repetitive blog content? Some readers do reach out to me with positive comments; sadly, it was just a short visit... Quite lonely... But I do this blog got myself...if others enjoy it, I glad they do hopefully...

2nd Feb 2020 -
Trisuit Theme #29
5th Feb 2020 -
Failed Night hike
8th Feb 2020 -
Brings Waifu Out
8th Feb 2020 -
Sister's Island Exploration
9th Feb 2020 -
10th Feb 2020 -
Karaoke Randomly
16th Feb 2020 -
Be Spidey Finally
28th Feb 2020 -
Trisuit Theme #30

Personal - February Randomness

Hi Blog,

2020 February, time flies. So many drama happened in the past, well... I won't say it was as drama as some happening to this world like the virus. Hope I will treasure and learn to be strong from my daily happening. Still trying to get over my Line account trauma, I will get better as time goes.

Let's begin my Feb randomness!

Friday, February 28, 2020

Jogging - February Jogging

Hi Blog,

Honestly, like swimming or hiking; jogging is the only moment where I found enjoyment doing... The feeling of working out and able to experience my body manages myself well, is pure joy. My mind is totally free... Especially I won't feel judged for having Lousy untoned body. I know if I changed to the gym, my life and body will change, sadly... I won't want to trigger the emo-cells again. No one will understand... How much punishment upon myself once it was triggered...

Personal - Suits to the Theme #30

Hi Blog,

Once again! It is my another Trisuit theme session. WOW! I can't believe that I made it until #30! If you have missed out #29, you can click here. You might be wondering, why am I doing this? To summarise and don't judge me, I am doing this theme - main purpose is to rotate my trisuits and due to lack of creative juice in taking pictures especially with me in it, I just strike similar pose and at similar place which motivates myself to jogging too. Hope you will like this stupid theme. Hahaha!

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Swimming - February Swimming

Hi Blog,

Swimming is my favourite sport as compared to cycling and hiking. Why so... because I like the feeling in water, it is like a total different world from where I stand up daily; like I can hide myself within the water like getting away from the sound and able to listen to my own mind. Make no sense? hahaha...

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Hiking - Be Spidey Finally

Good Morning Blog,

Time to wake Mr SUN first!
First thing on a Saturday morning and a few visits surveying of a certain area which you can check my past posts; and I decided to give that place a chance to try something. I guess the title had revealed what I am planning to do already. Let's go right away!

Monday, February 10, 2020

Personal - Karaoke Randomly

Hi Blog,

It will be a short post and because it was supposed to parked under randomness but I overtook pictures and videos. Hahaha So I will make a quick post regarding this.

Today supposed to have around four people taking this room at Cash Studio at Bedok, but ended up only one turn up... Oh well, such big room and beautiful decorated. I will like to come here again.
Why Cash Studio? Because other karaoke lounges are too main stream and I worked for Cash Studio before (just some fact about me), so the visiting and witnessing the big changes and expansion of this business, was rewarding and nostalgic.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Hiking - Revisiting

Good Morning Blog,

Sunday is when I am invited to meet Mr Sun for a good chat.

Packing up and getting ready

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Trip - Sisters' Island Exploration

Hi Blog,

There was one thing which made my Feb of 2020 an exciting one - which is a trip to Sister's Island! :D TS, the organiser of our Pulau Hantu trip previously (blog post 2019 and 2017)

On my way to Marina South Pier where TS was gathering everyone, and nearer to Sister's Island.

Cycling - Bring Waifu Out

Good Morning Blog,

Today morning since I had a bit of time before my next event in the noon, I decided to bring my waifu to see a place and made a short post about it

Good morning Mr Sun

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Hiking - Failed Night Hike

Good evening Blog,

Today I decided to go for a night hike again due to my failed attempt previously (blog post) but my friend, St wanted to tag along. At least, can experience that gate closed together.

Are you ready to go with me?

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Personal - Suits to the Theme #29

Hi Blog,

Today is 2/2/2020 (beautiful number on the calendar) so I will post a trisuit theme and it is a bit mixed (haha) with my cycling jersey. If you have missed out on the previous theme, you may click here for #28 or whole new label for it - #suitstheme.