Friday, November 8, 2019

Jogging - Checking on Upper Peirce

Good Evening Blog,

It has been a while since I wrote a long post about a jogging activity; usually I will write more about hiking. Today I want to jog to Upper Peirce to see the evening sky.

Still bright on the Friday evening
Fatso was ready for a jog.
Hmmm... my next door neighbour dog got angry with me for dressing awful at the corridor. Better leave asap before it bites.
Meanwhile trying to cover some of my trisuit themes
Quite impressive by the Huawei 's depth of field. I really hope most of the pictures will turn out like these.
Jogging to Upper Peirce, was a quiet and solo experience
At the old Thomson Road, there was no one exercising yet.
Perfect for taking pictures of myself
I had arrived the entrance of Upper Peirce
This gate will be closed by 6pm. Hmm.. it is 530pm. Another 30mins more, that it will close the gate. I can get out of there easily.
For me, I just want to try out this route at night when it has no lamp around.
Will it be safe to walk here alone in the dark without light? On the road, I will feel safer than wood.
Arrived to the destination - quiet :3 My favourite!
I am thinking of becoming a spidey here but... Really need some company for look out and for pictures.
Awww... So sad... NO Epic evening sky...
Today witnessed another different faces of Lower Peirce
I can't believe 10mins before closing gate, there were families (they drove) playing around in this park.
I Still love to take picture under this raintree. :)
I was waiting to see what will happen after 6pm. If the families unable to leave this park in time, they will have to leave their cars behind. But somehow they don't show a sense of urgency at 2mins before 6pm.
6pm + already, they were still here, playing with their kids. That's weird... I thought they should get out from this park before 6?
ooooo! They changed it to 730pm! Hahaha next time :) Next time I will try to stay until 730pm
Time to walk home. Feeling lazy to jog back.
And here put 7pm... Seriously, why can't they standardise the timing?
As I walked out, the road was about to turn dark and without any streetlight, you will feel like you are been swallowed into the dark.
I am glad that I am out from there but I will be back here again :)

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