Friday, February 28, 2020

Jogging - February Jogging

Hi Blog,

Honestly, like swimming or hiking; jogging is the only moment where I found enjoyment doing... The feeling of working out and able to experience my body manages myself well, is pure joy. My mind is totally free... Especially I won't feel judged for having Lousy untoned body. I know if I changed to the gym, my life and body will change, sadly... I won't want to trigger the emo-cells again. No one will understand... How much punishment upon myself once it was triggered...
2nd Feb 2020 - I learned that... I will live better than I don't trigger the emo-cells. Some people will advise me to seek professional help, but in fact... It won't help much because I know only I can help myself. Also know the reasons why It is not helping because whoever trying to help, just trying to sell it easy; for example, you can go to the gym like others do, just do whatever you suppose to do, heck care. In fact, I can go to gym, I just feel Lousy when there is a fit dude working out, I know no matter how hard and extra effort I squeeze in, I can never match him. I will only blame myself... Getting emo...
5th Feb 2020 - I realised my Trisuit theme collection had completed. Time to get some more. I am still trying out some similar locations where I can place my camera at. :) but to be honest, I need to spend more time to be thankful for whatever body shape I have.
11th Feb 2020 - Despite it was raining, since it was not a stormy one so I think I can still go for a slow jog too; and yes, I did! Hahaha! Look at my dirty wet shoes. At least, I jogged happily.
13th Feb 2020 - Today feeling so light because I managed to cleared my delayed Feb blog post and went for a slow jog to bump to my friend and another friend (wild boar).
14th Feb 2020 - Wearing my new and last trisuit and it is a nice feeling that this trisuit CompressSport is. Today I had to motivated W to jog, slow but at least something.
16th Feb 2020 - Sunday morning, W wanted to go for a jog. Since I made a promise with him and his wife but ended up... I got fly kite. Hahaha... Ended up didn't jog at all. I will take Sunday a day to rest myself since I don't feel well.
20th Feb 2020 - Wow! Today is 20022020, what a beautiful date to have something special happening in your life. Hmmm... And what am I doing here? Just jogging. Continue jogging. I got poked and hooked through my arm with a skin - pull by a wild plant barb. Painful and bleeding a while. Thanks goodness, I managed to stop it from bleeding while jogging. I was also lucky to witness a young boar stepped out from the brush. Hahaha! Well... I guess something special happened on this date :) Me with Nature.
21st Feb 2020 - today jogging - I decided to find that plant which punctured my arm and just think how dangerous it is.
27th Feb 2020 - Finally had a chance to go for a short jog and completed one of my trisuit theme too. Don't know why... I do feel happy while jogging like a mysterious feeling of satisfaction in me and I don't know why. Oh well, don't think of it and enjoy the energy of positiveness.
28th Feb 2020 - My last day for Feb jogging :) It seemed like making a standalone post for my jogging experience is a correct decision than parking them under randomness post. Hope my dear readers (if any) will like such an arrangement.

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