Saturday, November 16, 2019

Trip - Pulau Hantu Camping II

Good Morning Blog,

After P4 three days Camp during the weekday, same weekend... was my next camping trip! To Pulau Hantu! This was my second time of going to such camp. (if you missed my first one two years ago, you may click here)

Mr Sun was also excited to come with me. He already packed up his luggage.
As for me, a simple loaf of bread with eggs, my tent and...
myself. Then... I forgot two important things... Power bank and water.... in fact, three... Insect repellent....
Met up with Mr K and Jo, and took a grab share to the jetty. I noticed this grab-driver has some interesting setup for the passengers.
He has charger port, a charging basket, insect repellent, reminder messages and sweets for his passengers. Interesting grab-driver. :)
West Coast Pier. I can't believe this is my second time in my whole life to this pier.
Excited and ready.
Time to enter the custom. Remember to bring your passport/NRIC along when you need to exit from this pier.
After I went to Batam, now looked at this scene again... this place does not look locally.
(Credit Jo) Love Huawei's depth of field shot (portrait mode)
The boa had arrived, Everyone gets ready to hop on the boat.
Mr Sun also hopped on it
(Credit Jo) let's try the portrait shots again
Full speed ahead
Feeling great whenever got a chance to leave the city
Leaving this big "hotel" ship...
far far away!
Some oil refinery land and Jurong Island - I doubt I can go there or even visit there.
I will rather stick to more nature places.
Pulau Hantu :) Two years already! Missed you.
Feeling Refreshing
Just a load of ME-Time.
It seemed like it was about to start its low tide
Some wealthy people parked their private boat elsewhere and island-hopping. How I wish I know someone who can travel around in his/her private boat...
Lay out my tent properly and setup at somewhere far away from the rest.
Who is that?
Oooo... The lonely male monkey on this island. Pity it... Just reminded myself...  oh well... Want to offer help like food but it is not helping it.
Have you ever seen such a big flower like this?
In my previous exploration of Pulau Hantu, I have yet explored this stair.
It leads to a water tank... hmmm... nothing interesting here. Perhaps the monkey might stay here?
Another side of the lagoon with the private boat
Clean and clear water. Perfect to swim in it!
But... I was very scared to walk around in my trunk... so ended up, I just tanned within my own tent
(Credit Jo) Jo approached my tent and asked me what the heck am I doing in the tent. Wanted me to go out and swim whatever I want... But I just felt that I don't want to make a eye-sore scene... to others...
(credit Jo) I decided to focus on tanning. Jo offered to help me to take pictures of me tanning as he knows that I will like to include it into my diary.
(credit Jo) Wanted to try different photography shots. Glad to have someone who won't mind of me in ugly, awful attire
(credit Jo) but my awkwardness kicked in, and wanted Jo to stop trying but also felt appreciative towards his kindness.
(credit Jo) Thank you Jo. I will continue the photo taking myself. :)
Posing like a failed model.
yeah I am still failed. LOL
Trying hard but cannot make it... lack of mojo.
Lucky Miss Sky and Mdm Beach won't mind, embracing me. Okay! Enough Sun tan, time to dress up and back to the group.
Evening Sky was so beautiful. :) Thank you Mr Sun and Miss Sky for painting such beautiful artwork.
(Credit Jo) Thanks Jo for helping me to capture the moment.
(Credit Jo) Some random shots for the best angle
(Credit Jo) Thanks for the shots. They were nicely taken. So sorry for ugly model.
Just beautiful :3
Mr Sun, come! Smile for the camera :D
In the low tide, we found a glass bowl and it can come in handy to catch some creatures for a closer look then release back to the sea. I found a glass bottle and a little surprise in it.
(Credit one of the group members) This was professionally taken. :)
Great! Beside witnessing the beautiful evening sky, time to go back to Mdm Beach and she had done sweeping her place for us to explore.
Most of the sea snails trying to find a shelter
(Credit Mr K) Time to explore the low tide
Let's see what can I get this time.
Sea star.
(Credit Jo) Time to try my huawei phone XD
(Credit Jo) What about a pic of me with Seastar?
(Credit Jo) Spam the camera and hope for the best. XD
(Credit Jo) Thanks for your help. As you can see, Mdm Beach really swept the water out from the lagoon. :D Magic!
You will spot some sponges
This time, I brought my UV torch during the trip and I glad I brought it along :) Just look at the beautiful florescent property that the coral has.
It has red and green florescence, which means those parts are alive.
Full green meaning it is filled with living things.
Unknown jelly found... Looks like jellywater
Red tube worm hmm...
(Credit one of the group members) My UV torch really shine different light on the corals which excite myself and others.
It has the green florescent. Too bad, I can't treat it as time stone.
Some will have a Turquoise florescent.
Under the UV light, they look so pretty
Combine with strong white light.
You can even see it moves. So sorry I didn't video it...
Best to explore the beach at low tide, is to bring a normal torch and uv torch XD
(Credit one of the group members) They will remember the beauty of it.
Strong light also has its own unique benefit too.
Like able to take a clearer picture of seastars having sxx.
UV torch can't work well on water. It will have a hue over it.
But at least, can spot shrimps
and crabs :)
(Credit Mr K) Mr K didn't explore the low tide with us and just see how far we went.
Night time at Hantu
The whole night sky was polluted by the flame from the oil refinery island.
But Huawei phone ISO is great :)
I took this when it was pitch drk.
(Credit one of group members) Night time, everyone was trying to chill and did some sharing with one another.
I had a bad sleep at night because there were ants climbing on my legs and it was SO Warm at night...

(Credit one of the group members) Morning time.
Mr Sun just woke up
Good morning Mr Sun
And he yawned across the sky! Okay okay, Mr Sun. Too bright already.
(Credit one of the group members) During the noon time, High tide returned to fill up the lagoon, the best moment to swim in it.
I just chilled inside the tent and...
Count the number of holes in my tent.
three holes... Sighed... Oh well, I will want to fully utilise it. I will sew it when I have time. :)
In result... My whole legs and arms got sand fly's bites. Itchy...
Thank you TS and everyone for this trip.
Time to go home and recharge.


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