Saturday, February 29, 2020

Personal - February Randomness

Hi Blog,

2020 February, time flies. So many drama happened in the past, well... I won't say it was as drama as some happening to this world like the virus. Hope I will treasure and learn to be strong from my daily happening. Still trying to get over my Line account trauma, I will get better as time goes.

Let's begin my Feb randomness!
1st Feb 2020 - these days I made a lot of home visits have not been able to take a group picture together but at least, end of the day, I was at my elder brother's house and met up with my childhood friends came for the visit. 28th years of friendship and still counting. We don't chat much and have their own life and family, but we know everyone is there for one another.
3rd Feb 2020 - Rather deep thought today... Today I had spent some time alone in the condemned room, checking all the stock and ensure their location. I feel like part of the stocks... Being condemned. My new year resolution is to get out from my "spiral" and it seems like I am struck. But this time around, I feel different; I learn to accept and recognise the trigger points - instead of dwelling and I will take the opportunity to inject positiveness (not easy but not impossible). Just like this condemn room, all these items are going to be condemned and viewed as scraps. But today, I realised each scrap has something valuable. (those transformable parts can be reused or recycled, and there are golds in every device) just like us, have we found the valuable or transformable in this old spoiled me? I sat there and digested... Then realised... I always have that valuable and transformable thing - the soul which has all the goodness and potentials. At least these thoughts lilted up my days. :) Hope I can exercise that enlightenment.
7th Feb 2020 - Celebration of one another birthday has become a staple ritual within my new working place and I really envy it since I started working. But I am still not used to be surrounded by many people looking at me working. one of the teachers, Mdm D, noticed that I tend to have a red-faced whether I am surrounded by ladies. My ears and chin will turn red and warm; which drew many ladies to gather around me. Stressed.
7th Feb 2020 - Since late last year, I tried to learn my favourite piano piece - Moonlight Sonata. I know nothing about reading notes or have any musical/piano background. I only learn by memorising the location/position of the keys and repeat again and again, until I got some muscle memory. I feel happy that I can memorise the first 2 mins (around) of the Moonlight Sonata 1st movement. Hopefully by June, I can play a complete 1st Movement. Enjoy my failed concert.
10th Feb 2020 - I decided to try again and At least, I managed to pull through and completed to where I had stopped. :) Hope you will like it.
11th Feb 2020 - While I was jogging in the rain, a beautiful rainbow spotted in the sky. Amazing. :3 Do you like it? You can check this link from other singaporeans' perspective during this sight.
18th Feb 2020 - Finally here is the shots of my frequent meetings. Most of my friends won't understand why I am doing this... I could have spent time for gym or hangout. Sadly, we aren't meet up for chit chatting session as we met up; we usually meet up to discuss about planning, classes, reviews and more. HAHA...Not many people know as we seldom take pictures.
25th Feb 2020 - Despite having meeting on that day, my sister needed some help to accompany her to see MP for some matter, so I sacrificed my pocket time and meeting; family matter first. And at least, I am glad the she felt appreciated and acknowledged the support I gave. Here were the photos she helped me to take for my blog. :) And also, spared some time to visit my friend, F, before meeting her. I was surprised both of them stayed under the same block, same unit but different floors. Hahaha... Small world.
26th Feb 2020 - I took out my school uniform and tried out, and I am still fit in! Hahaha! Just same untoned like the past. Oh well... How I wish there is an uniform for working adult so that I won't need to think what to wear to workplace. Do you think so too?
27th Feb 2020 - Today I went for jogging and found a tortoise resting my path. Sometimes good thing doesn't mean it will be everywhere; good thing is rare and uncommon but yet common too. Does it mean I should learn to find the rareness in me and embrace it? :)
28th Feb 2020 - Weird thing about this morning, I felt light and happy, full of energy and then looking out the amazing morning sunrise (quite a handful of people took pictures for today morning) outside my doorstep. What a pleasant moment :) TGIF!
29th Feb 2020 - Today was a leap year; once in every four years. Today I was kind of busy - morning needed to attend class, and afternoon got another class, what a full whole day learning. Took this shot because night time event cancelled and I got some time to rest myself.

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