Saturday, February 8, 2020

Cycling - Bring Waifu Out

Good Morning Blog,

Today morning since I had a bit of time before my next event in the noon, I decided to bring my waifu to see a place and made a short post about it

Good morning Mr Sun
It has been a while since I took my waifu out, so I wanted to show her a different place.
I dragged here and there, and ended up Mr Sun got almost powered up.
And my fat fat body also (bloated) power up. Sighed...
Oh well, I will just treasure the moment right now, at least, I am healthy.
A natural mix-match effect from the mirror.
My waifu asked, where am I bringing her to?
Slowly, my waifu. Have you seen this place before?
Here. Upper Seletar and this is a Rocket Tower. :) Where most couples in the past loved to visit.
Woooow... My waifu was impressed.
She wanted to go up! Wait! Wait! Waifu, wait for me.
Ended up, I had to carry her up, as she is too heavy to carry herself up.
Do you love the view up here? :D
But there was a couple up here... And my waifu pulled me away from them and told me don't get into their way while they are getting noti noti...
I asked my waifu, how will you know? You also noti ah?
Then I got punched by her. KO! As she told me to lower my voice as they can hear me talking about them.
After a while, I heard something from another side... the girl was like, "hey... stop it... !" The guy was like "mwah mwah... it is okay..." then the girl just made an enjoyment and sexual sound... Oh well... I was in the midst of NoFap Challenge and today was my 9th Day... I got... My waifu told me to calm down myself. Then I tried to go near them to take some pictures purposely, and they retreated down and continued their session. Honestly... I felt lonely. Hahaha... But not as bad as last time.

Time for myself now. WAHAHAHA! Even thought, I am still struck in the web but I will recover myself. There is no spider to want me. Hahaha.
Spent some time for ME-TIME, reading a book to calm myself.
This place is perfect for me to dress up as spiderman, isn't it? :D
Okay, time to explore that place.
Oooo... another shelter.
Oh... We can't go near there. Blocked...
But here got an amazing scenery for photo :) I wished I can cosplay as spiderman here.
Anyway time to go back and prepare for the next event.
My waifu loves that place and hope we can go there again. :) Yes, Waifu, I will bring you again, as long as you like it.



  1. You also know a noFap challenge ah? And according to your blog, it’s the 9th day! I don’t think I can last that long, I’ll implode. Hahaha


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