Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Hiking - Failed Night Hike

Good evening Blog,

Today I decided to go for a night hike again due to my failed attempt previously (blog post) but my friend, St wanted to tag along. At least, can experience that gate closed together.

Are you ready to go with me?
Will this park into my jogging post?
We shall see.
Meet up St under my block and let's go!
I asked St, can he help me to snap some pictures? Because in my blog, there isn't any of my back shot while engaging with the scene. Thanks St for helping :)
(credit St) How nice to have a friend to help out for the pictures.
Quiet street though today
(Credit St) I felt so thick-skinned... for pictures...
(Credit St) I started to feel embarrassed to ask St to snap... even though he seemed cool.
But anyway, since it is his first visit, I will bring him to see Lower Pierce
Too bad today evening sky was not that impressive.
(Credit St) But I won't want to waste this trip so a picture should be okay. But St was too shy for a picture.
Peaceful evening :3
Oh dear... it was 7+!
The gate was closed... Oh well, I will still continue and check the situation of the park (Upper Pierce)
(Credit St) let's go, St!
After a good long walk without any soul around at this hour.
(Credit St) I always want a shot of me sitting along an empty road. Have to direct St on how to capture but... I am no good model to feel any good achievement for St...
It was 8+ the gate really closed on its own.
I wondered what is next :D and it was pitch dark. As we walked deeper, I could sense that St was a nervous, then we just returned to the real world...
(Credit St) Okay, back to the world. I guess it is not everyone will be able to enjoy what I am doing. I guess I will do it myself next time.
But thanks St for accompanying and snapping pictures for me. I know you won't want to, but you tried to be friendly and not annoyed that I always asked for help. So this blog post won't be made without you. Thank you for being a lousy model and spoiled your day.


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