Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Swimming - February Swimming

Hi Blog,

Swimming is my favourite sport as compared to cycling and hiking. Why so... because I like the feeling in water, it is like a total different world from where I stand up daily; like I can hide myself within the water like getting away from the sound and able to listen to my own mind. Make no sense? hahaha...

3rd Feb 2020 - Today was an impromptu swim at Kallang Basin because usually Monday I will be swimming with my colleague, C at Safra. Since I was in my trunk, just go for a swim and reflect what I had learned this morning in randomness.
7th Feb 2020 - Today I left work slightly early to jump into the water asap. I really love swimming.
10th Feb 2020 - Did you see that orange sticker? Yes, meaning I am at healthy temperature range for a swim. Something good about today swim - lesser crowd due to the virus thingy but not greatly impacted. But everyone was doing their part to register and check up temperature, ensure the safety of everyone.
17th Feb 2020 - Try to wear my blue blue trunk, swim one of my SHORTEST laps for the evening as my auntie called me to meet up for dinner (she was early) and sudden urge to do a spring swimming trunk cleaning this week. I start to like blue, do you?
18th Feb 2020 - Foresee that I will be going for a swim during my three pocket time this week, I can showcase you my favourite trunk brand Marcuse (different colours). Hope I wish I can get more from it. Yesterday was blue and today is white, what about tomorrow?
19th Feb 2020 - Today swim with R. I recalled some bad memories regarding my closed social media... I can still hear those bad comments slapping my face and mocking at my untoned fat body... Sometimes... I must say... who knows a few more years later when I got so pregnant and old. Then decide to do what I always like to do? Swimming is my favourite sport and just love to engage in it with my shxtty body. Do I have to train my body to God-like then I can swim?

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