Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Personal - 30 Days Plank Challenge (failed)

Hi Blog,

Today I decide to take up 30 days Plank Challenge, purpose is to make a habit for myself. This post will update daily. From Day 1 until after 30 days. (I started on 17 May 2016, Tuesday) Sorry... my body is disgusting!
I decided to use an app to help me to keep track of my process.

so I decided to download this app 'Plank' which comes with a timer.
I put the app beside me (wallpaper) is to keep me reminded for exercising.
It has step on the exercise that we need to do.
a simple timing which is quite zen and clean.
so I decided to follow.
Let me tell you... it is tough.
- Day 0
I am still trying out but I find that it is that great app to use...
but I will use that app once I got a habit of doing it.
So I decided to find another app 'PlankChallenge' and reset the days again.

let's remind myself again.
I love this app, they have given us a 30 days challenge.
There are illustration of the exercise you suppose to do and the timing for each day are slightly different,
they will increase it gradually.  
so let's do it!
Day 1
smile for camera
quite easy!
Great! it will record my process.
Day 2
Day 3
Captain wont give up.
Day three.
I realised the bigger challenge is the side plank. Those are tolerating. Hahaha...
Day 4
Keep it up!
They increase the timer for side plank. Oh my! Hahaha 10 secs is hell XD
Day 5
On the fifth day, they increased the plank to 40 sec, what worse is right/left plank... 40 sec...
Day 6
Let's do it!
FUNNY thing on 6th Day is that they want me to rest! :D No plank for today. :3
Day 7
Seventh Day - back again
oh man.... the plank for left and right time increased...
I learned that I should put a mat on the floor so that I won't feel that painful doing it.
Like this mat on the floor.... Hmmmm...
I think my side plank I did it wrong...
Day 8
Oh my... Left and Right Plank are torturing.... 
Day 9
Today is Hell! They increase to 60 secs for each exercises!
It is difficult especially the side... so I modified bu doing just normal plank.
Day 10

Weird... where is the 10th day???
OH MAN! They increase the timing on the left and right???
I can't do the left and right hand plank, especially my left.
What I did, I simply do push up position for left/right plank, and you know what,
my left hand kept on shaking (too weak)
Have to find different plank to replace this....

Day 11

Oops! I check in for day 12....
Day 12

Love the cap tee. :3
Pose for it
Day 13
too stress... can't continue...
Day 14
errrr... which day
Ah Day 14!
Personally... I can't do 90 sec Plank... I shall stick to 60 sec for the moment.
Day 15
Oh my, day 15!
Day 16
Day 16, I already feel the pain...
To make it worse... they increase 120 sec!!!!!!
I only do one plank...... then skipped the rest....
Day 17
Can only do one :(
Day 18
Have to pull through, at least one.
Day 19
my resting day, but I still do it
Day 20
.... on this day, I skipped one of the day because I have a project to do. I will continue for today.

I can only do the 60 sec....
Day 21
Before I go Penang, I must at least one. And yeah I did one 60 sec!
Day 22
Doing Planking with Yaoming. :) during Penang Trip
Day 23
Fall sick..... and take a break for three days...
Just recovered from sickness and continue to do
I realised doing planking on bed is quite a comfort :D
Day 24

24 days! Keep it up for 1 min plus plank
Day 25

Almost forgot. Trying to do at least one
Day 26

It is a resting day but I only do 60 sec... I will do it again
Day 27
Day 28
FAILED to Continue
Day 29
Day 30
FAILED miserably

Conclusion of this challenge
Initially the timing of planking I can handle it but I feel extremely stressful when come to side planking and especially when the timing increased. Personally I feel the app doesn't provide other opinions or visual to keep me going; even thought they have highlighted the exercises whether you have completed... I will put this aside and focus on the morning jogging, hopefully I will get back to plank challenge again. :)


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