Monday, July 4, 2016

Hobby - Continuously Exercise Activities

Hey Blog,

These few days (Since Saturday until Monday) I have been continuously engaging my hobby activities - Hiking (sat), Swimming and some jogging (sun) and Cycling (mon). I also did some short jogging every morning.

Below is just some sharing of my activities.


On Daily Morning
I woke up for morning jogging. Kind of slow but at least something and hope I can continue the run.


On Saturday 02/07/2016
 I decided to hike alone but Mr Ked called up for hiking on Friday, so it was good to have a company. 

It has been awhile (a month) since I came to this underpass. 

While waiting for Mr Ked, I shall continue to take more pictures. Hahaha.....

Due to my mushroom-fever, during the hike, I was hunting for some fun-guy (fungus) and I found many interesting character fun-guy. Hmmmm... I have the urge to borrow a mushroom handbook to give them official names. (okay put it in my to-do-list)

Below were pictures of Fun-guy I found in the Nature trail.

Reddish fungus
Fungus grow on Trees
I spotted a red bell fungus and something new found
A Malayan Leaf Frog!
Awwww cute frog!
My hands just too itchy
Oops! It looks angry with me. Hahaha
Continue our fun-guy hunting
Axx FUN guy!
Seflie again! :D
Slippery step
I can't spell its name....
Rotting guy
After three hours of hike, I shall enjoy my lunch at Beauty World.

Found a new vegetarian stall.
I tried mushroom noodle. LOL


On Sunday 03/07/2016
Swimming during weekend is a must for me if I am available. It has been awhile since I last swam and I decided to wear my Bods branded trunk for the swim. How do I look? okay! I know I am fat, okay.......

a shot with wearing my shoes?
Again! and smile!
Best to stand closer than near to the wall.
Good to go!
Suntan time.

On Monday 04/07/2016
On this day (School holiday), I decided to ride on my Fatbike to work. It has been awhile since I ride on it to work.

Selfie mode :D
What a joy of riding with it.

Guess what.... blog. Xuanyi asked me for a sudden movie session and yeah... ended up Popcorn and potato chips.... And all my hard works were gone.............

I guess.... I will take up 30 days challenge of no Potato Chips, no chocolate, no sweet, no soft drink and no juice....


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