Sunday, June 12, 2016

Food - Luk Yea Yan Vegetarian

Hi Blog,

After our fun Street Art Hunting morning activity, we washed off and got ready for breakfast! So from Hungry Ang Mo website (link) there is this Luk Yea Yan Vegetarian with the signature dish in Penang, the Laksa! 

I heard my friends keep on saying that I should go and try their signature dish, the Laksa but as a Vegetarian, I doubt I can taste their signature dish, but now there is a way to try it! 

Based on HappyCow (link) website, they claimed it is air-conditional.... Hmmm to be honest, I didn't notice that place is air-conditioned... but I can safely say we don't feel warm at all. 

Busy eating and offer listening ears to hear one another out.
Communication is a MUST during the trip.
I can't believe we EAT so much!
HEY HEY! ZhenNan, that is my phone!
I ordered Wanton Noodles :3 and
Their signature dish, the Laksa!
Honestly it tastes SO DIFFERENT from Singapore version which is just typical curry.

This one is actually tasted like Tom Yam, I think it is heavily influenced from the North/Thailand. 
Anyway, it was just a simple and heavy meal, we will visit this place on Monday for breakfast again. :) Because beside this, they Served Chinese and Western vegetarian food with economic rice in a la carte style. Oh YUMMY!


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