Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Nature - Mushrooms Discovery on a Single Day

hey Blog,

A short simple post to share with you. :)

I have found many different mushrooms nowadays. Oh no... Mushroom is the wrong word to use, because mushroom is part of the fungus family. 

Recently I start to grow interests in fungus (fun guy) LOL I want to be a Fun Guy! :D Meanwhile I don't know the name of the fungus. So I will just leave no caption for the picture below. If anyone can gives me their names, please comment. :)

On this single log, I found three different fun guy XD
three fun guys living together
Flat and ugly fun guy
Fun guy wearing blouse 
Flat head fun guy
Puffy fat fun guy! 
Drunk fun guy
Tissue littering fun guy
I guess I will need to do some research on fungus and understand how they grow

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