Friday, June 3, 2016

Hiking - Visit Singapore Quarry and Railway Track again

Dear Blog,

Today Friday morning, I took leave to go for a hiking trip and relax, and I invited Xuanyi to join me on this trip, Since he stayed in Brazil since young, it will be a great way to introduce Singapore special place. So I brought him to Singapore Quarry.

After 2 hours walk from MacRitchie to Singapore Quarry, finally we arrived.

Due to it was Friday, there is quiet and deserted. 
and the Cool weather made photography easily.
Love the scene
Panorama shot 
Help him to take a selfie
Landscape and mankind
and le fat me in trisuit
along our way out, we visited the railway track. Usually it will fill with visitors but today was PERFECT! Let's take picture!

Interesting concept :)
Nice perspective. I will love to do that but I am shy... :3
LET take a pic!
Nice :D
I meant the railway, not me.
Why I am so fat... LOL
Friendship walk
During this trip, I managed to capture a few Lv2 creatures with iphonball (Pokemon Balls)

Lv 2 Creature - Termites
Nimble and small.
Difficult to capture them.
Lv2 Creature - Flowery-looking Fungi
It is not common species and is easily spotted.
Rare find and beautiful
Lv 3 - Skink
Nimble creatures and rare stay at certain positions too long.
This one stayed here for me to capture. :)
Thank you cutie.
more information about skink (here) and (here)
Lv 2 - Blue Butterfly
Small and not easy to get them.
What a trip :) great workout despite I am still fat.... oh well.. just continue I guess.


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