Sunday, June 12, 2016

Trip - Penang - Day 2 - Kek Lok Si Temple

Hey Blog,

Today we will be visiting one of the well-known temples in Penang, Kek Lok Si Temple. When I told my friends that I will be visited Penang, they told me that I should plan a trip to visit this temple because of the gigantic Goddess of Mercy. 

Here are some of the helpful information and history about Kek Lok Si Temple. 
Okay! Let's go!
After a long distance ride, we see a grand temple on a hill,
We come to the Top of the hill where there is car park
and we can see a Big Goddess of Mercy. Magnificent!
That is Grand!
Wefie with Guan Yin :)
Goddess of Mercy is not fictional character, I have full respect toward her and have to learn from her.

The overview from the top of the temple.

Beside GuanYin, there are 12 zodiacs statues available for us to take picture with.

My zodiac is Goat.
Forveralone... TT.TT haha
Seems like Zodiac - Monkey took up majority.
Hahaha How cute the pig is

there are many beautiful scene to take pictures at.
So don't rush your time up here.
After a few picture session, we have to pay RM$3 to take a carrier downhill.

The ticket
Just noticed there are dark clouds.... 
As you see... it was actually raining... If it doesn't rain we will visit this place and passing by.
It seems like we can't do much while raining, we dashed through the rain and have an early lunch together at Kek Lok Si Vegetarian Restaurant. From HappyCow and Foursquare, they have great reviews and by looking at the pictures in their websites, made me feel so hungry!

Due to the number of people, we divided into two tables.
Engkiat got tired and slept while eating.
Love the top decoration, just like Upside Down Museum. Hahaha
Overall, due to rain which spoiled the whole experience, we didn't have enough time to digest our breakfast and yesterday Durians, and the extensive menus at the restaurant is Overwhelming! We only order a few dishes. If not, I will go for something more!


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