Monday, June 13, 2016

Food - Xiang Yun Vegetarian

Hey Blog,

This will be a short post and we were having our last dinner at Penang, and we picked Xiang Yun Vegetarian. (facebook link) and (blog link)

Together with Zhikang, we sat down and chat chit. Ordering food at Xiang Yun was a great experience. Sorry I didn't go around and snap pictures, as I was too bloated and uncomfortable...

The food were great! If my stomach was not filled with durian, I will order a lot to fill. Oh well... I only ordered a typical noodle which I hardly finished it.... I hope if I have a chance to go back Penang, I will visit Xiang Yun Vegetarian again.

Here is the link to the post of my revisiting. (< I will update this statement, when I go there. I promise I will)


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