Sunday, June 12, 2016

Trip - Penang - Day 2 - Street Art Hunting

Hi Blog,

After yesterday arrival to Penang, having fun at the museums, time to look closely at Penang, the unique thing about Penang - the Street Art. Our Hostel happened to be situated at George Town and I decided to have a simple morning walk to Hunting Street Art Especially the painting type. :)

I had read up more about Street Art in Penang, so I won't talk about facts of Street Art, you may continue to read up from this links.
Yesterday I announced the Hunting of Street Art activity is not compulsory, so those who can make it, do join me for in this two hours hunt. We started by 7am and the traffic is not congested as afternoon/night time.

Komtar Building just directly outside our hostel
Deserted backyard 
First morning Sunrise of Penang
Quiet empty street!
The clouds :3
I have taken some shots of Street Art yesterday and it was not mentioned in the brochure, so I feel there might be more of these.

stone face - like drunk woman
Having a flu??
This is unique :)
Clearing like pollution?
Found this outside a cafe
I want to play along with this but I was alone and no one to help.
Hahaha happy moment together, feeling lonely...
Honestly Big artwork is one of the more difficult painting to manage
This are the people who keen for the Hunt :)
Funny thing happened during our hunt, I FOUND someone wore the same shirt as me!

Selfie with him, too bad he was cycling, if not, I will request to take some picture with him and get his facebook account.
Too bad, I am late.
My apology, below are the street art pictures which are not in order.

Trying out the wefie stick and Let's GO!
Quiet empty side road
5 Feet shops
This is the Love Lane.
Yeah. Love Lane... a lane which isn't for me.
Found this interesting car!
Knock knock
Oh my! a Titan doing push-up!
Wefie two times and can't capture the titan
CMYK cat?
I love how the painting and real object fused together
Hahaha Jiayan trying to tickle the little boy's back?
Open your mouth, boy!
Look how big is this Cat!
OH MY! Giant Cat!
Nice Anime painting :)
Wefie with the tank
trying to pet the cat?
Meow God?
Special street art made by metal
This type of Street Art are everywhere :)
Oh my, what did I see?
Interesting Concept
Penang People love Cat.
What are you selling?
Check this out
Must be something good!
Trying to steal something, boy?
Let me help you
What is inside?
Shall we bring the window down?
Look like there is nothing to peek
Art is everywhere!
Thank you bro for taking picture with me
OH My! Giant Ice Kachang!
Nice sky above us and that means it might not rain today!
Our last and my favourite one!
Epic artwork and the amount of pun!
One of the cutest artwork!
Penang is filled with surprised and fun, within two hours, we can't really stay too long to understand the concept of the artwork. At least, we are safe and have fun with it!

Enjoy the moment when the time stopped


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