Sunday, September 30, 2018

Blog - September Overview

Hi Blog,

this is the 3/4 of 2018 and time passed so fast... Happening for last month, I wonder what will I expect for this month.
Sep Overview
Excited for it?
1st Sep 2018 -
Short Hike with Mother
9th Sep 2018 -
Camera Face-Off
13th Sep 2018 -
Trisuit Collection #9
15th Sep 2018 -
Coastal Cleanup Day
16th Sep 2018 -
Brings My Waifu Out
17th Sep 2018 -
Trisuit Collection #10
19th Sep 2018 -
Mystery Lump Growth Part 1
20th Sep 2018 -
Trisuit Collection #11
20th Sep 2018 -
Loads of GIF
21st Sep 2018 -
Trisuit Collection #12
22nd Sep 2018 -
National Orchid Garden
23rd Sep 2018 -
8th Update of VFT
24th Sep 2018 -
PET Scan
24th Sep 2018 -
Radiate to Nature
26th Sep 2018 -
Trisuit Collection #13
30th Sep 2018 -
Trisuit Collection #14
September Random
Check them out!

Personal - Random September

Hi Blog,

I think again... I will just leave the randomness for the month posts as the end of the month together with overview. Less visited but does it really have to bother me?

Personal - Suits to the Theme #14

Hi Blog,

Finally! I managed to complete one more trisuit collection theme and one more last collection to go to end this. :) I hope you will like what I had put in my effort to gather those themes. You can check Collection #13 if you like.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Personal - Suits to the Theme #13

Hi Blog,

This is my fifth post on the same month! :D Wah! Credit to well-planned and smooth photo-taking sessions. This post is somehow similar to #2 too. Creative juice is dying.

and very soon... I will take lesser Trisuit pictures in future. Don't you feel sick to see same boring stuff? Anyway, here is the link for my previous post #12. Hope you like it.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Hiking - Radiate To Nature

Good Afternoon Blog,

Today I got a day MC and my body was radiating radioactive material. The nurse said that I can do my normal daily activity besides staying too close with pregnant woman and baby.

So... I had the whole afternoon for me...

Personal - PET Scan

Good Morning Blog,

I felt so nervous to do this scan... My first expensive scan of a full body checkup. Anyway, it will be a short post of my experience of going for the scan.

I went to this place for my PET scan. Love the exterior counter.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Plants - SG VFT Survivor Clones - 8th Update

Hi Blog,

Have you wondered how my VFT is doing so far? Based on my previous post, I decided to put them at a windy growing area and managed to squeeze out some space for them.

I also bought a new pot of moss for further test.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Trip - National Orchid Garden

Hi Blog,

Today we were invited to my friend's daughter wedding lunch and the location was in the Botanic Garden. Oh my... What a rich couple! They also informed us that, after lunch, we can visit the National Orchid Garden which got me excited. :D

I don't bring anything but I brought along my Aukey Lenses (you can read up more about it)

Friday, September 21, 2018

Personal - Suits to the Theme #12

Hi Blog,

It is just a short post for my collection which I tried to gather painstakingly because I am just too shy to take pictures of myself when there are people around; so I hope you will like what I have made, you can check my previous post #11 here.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Jogging - Loads of GIF

Hi Blog,

Today night I had nothing on, it was rare to have a night off during weekday so I decided to go for a short jog and complete the theme set.

I decided to make this post images as GIF format so warning, it will take up HIGH data consumption.
Making a blog post with GIF images because J told me, my blog post with GIF made it look lively and interesting. For me, my concern for making GIF image, is that it will take a long long time to load this post. Anyway, you have been warned.

Personal - Suits to the Theme #11

Hi Blog,

Like I mentioned in Collection #10, I managed to complete three more themes at one go! I will want to end this trisuit theme collection sooner, especially the 'egg'... I will end it sooner too. Let me show you what I have achieved so far in this collection - It was not easy to complete this theme as many visitors and I am too shy to stand there to take pictures alone. (imagine that visitors were standing around this rock and they also wanted to take picture in a family/group... me alone and weirdo) So I see this blog post as effort post.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Personal - Mystery Lump Growth (Part 1)

Hi Blog,

It was a late post and I didn't have time to make a proper one, then I made it in my random post dated on 8th Aug 2018. In this post, I will make a slightly detailed report of my mysterious growth lump.

Can see? There was a big lump found on the 7th Aug 2018 evening.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Personal - Suits to the Theme #10

Hi Blog,

Today I managed to complete four themes set altogether but I will release it slowly. In fact, this kind of theme collection is kind of bored, right? Hahaha... Anyway, I am also trying to end it sooner. I don't like to start something and stop halfway. So let see how many themes I can complete. Here is theme #9 if you have not visited up yet.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Cycling - Brings My Waifu Out

Hi Blog,

Today is a Sunday and like I promised this month is to spare some time with my waifu, Fatbike, than hiking; so today post is a short one.

And I didn't charge my camera enough... after yesterday event.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Personal - Coast Cleanup Day

Good morning Blog,

Yawning... It was 530am... I woke up early because of one event - Project Island-A-Hand program from Outward Bound Singapore, introduced from my ex-students, Ed and Eu.

To give some support to Ed and Eu, I decided to join this program.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Personal - Suits to the Theme #9

Hi Blog,

These days have been raining and I got sick so unable to go for a good slow jog. Anyway, at least I managed to complete one more set of my Trisuit collection. This is #9! You can check #8 here.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Hiking - Cameras Face-Off

First time I will bath before I stepped out.
Good Morning Blog,

This month is the month when I will need to spend some time with my waifu but... Yesterday it was raining heavily and so can't bring her out. She is very emo now... :( Sunday morning, I had promised XY to bring his Taiwanese-Brazilian friend to Pulau Ubin.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Hiking - Short Hike with Mother

Good morning Blog,

Yesterday I stayed over at my brother's house to keep him accompany because he lost his job due to his manager's setup to fire him. He was very angry and upset with what had happened.

When I brushed my teeth to go for a short hike nearby, my mother said something.