Sunday, September 23, 2018

Plants - SG VFT Survivor Clones - 8th Update

Hi Blog,

Have you wondered how my VFT is doing so far? Based on my previous post, I decided to put them at a windy growing area and managed to squeeze out some space for them.

I also bought a new pot of moss for further test.
It seems like this typical VFT coping well.
Let's check out the rest of them!

Big Mouth still not coping well.
I am going to plant Fuzzy Tooth and Dying Big Mouth in the second moss pot. (I will update below)
(reserved post here)
Don't know what cultivar is this... But it seems like picking up!
Look like fine tooth x red. Growing well!
HELLO! WAKE UP! That fellow who sold me that small VFT, really... I am speechless towards how disgusting you profit from it.
Fuzzy Tooth is recovering too! :D
Wacky Trap still struggling but lucky I managed to save it's babies.
They grow happily in Live Moss
And here!
Cupped Trap has recovered!
Red Piranha seemed like breaking down to more smaller plantlets.
They seem to love Live Moss a lot!
:D They are coping well, maybe I should just shift every VFT to the Live Moss!
It seems like good air ventilation is one key factor in growing VFT! Many of my failed attempt were in a growing area with bad air ventilation and increased of algae growth!

I may have the good light, but bad air ventilation and wet soil media will be deadly for VFT, despite they don't mind water logging. So putting them outside my house will have a few hours of sunlight at least, good air flow, and watering... Not to forget the Live Moss accompanying.

One thing I have to mention here, which is about D (the SGVFT Bred Seller). I left the VFT group because it made me feel miserable for a failure-reminder. But funny thing was, after I took pictures of the VFT, he PM me and showed his concern of my health. :) Honestly, his gesture melted my heart. Just like the VFT recovery, it shows sign of positiveness. :) Thanks D for showing your concern.


Will update sooner


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