Monday, September 24, 2018

Personal - PET Scan

Good Morning Blog,

I felt so nervous to do this scan... My first expensive scan of a full body checkup. Anyway, it will be a short post of my experience of going for the scan.

I went to this place for my PET scan. Love the exterior counter.
Friendly staff invited me to a small room and asked me to change to a robe-like attire. Lucky they asked me to wear my underwear because it is cold. They will prepare all the necessary before the scan.

I looked around the room, there is some interesting features.
My first time to see the smooth-rounded door - which has the calming factor.
Repeated pattern of cubes in their 3D form and can also see it as 4D too. Beautiful Wallpaper.
Nice soft lighting on the ceiling. Basically, the whole room setting is to ease the patient.
I changed to this blue thingy and I forgot... there is a camera watching me busy taking pictures of the room and undressed... oh well. That suck!
Nice friendly nurse attended to me and tried their best to calm me down by describing the process... I fear of injection.
Done! And It hurt somehow...
I had to stay in this position for 45 mins because they injected a radioactive material into my blood stream and I will have to rest before the scan.
And I can't sleep... because it was painful but I will try.
After 45 mins, I left the room and my phone for the full body scan. Similar like CT scan, but this time was to scan my whole body. They strapped me on a table, secured my hands and legs to resist my movement during the scan... My imagination started to take over my mind, hope they don't see anything funny during the scan.

After scan, time to remove the thingy and get naked!
They told me that now my body was radiating harmful material so it will wear off after 24 hours, so try to stay away from pregnant woman and baby. They gave me a day MC to rest. So what do I do during the day of MC? You can read more here. Hope for the best for the diagnosis

Thank you JY for transferring some money to aid my situation and most importantly, the trust that you have in me. :)

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