Sunday, September 16, 2018

Cycling - Brings My Waifu Out

Hi Blog,

Today is a Sunday and like I promised this month is to spare some time with my waifu, Fatbike, than hiking; so today post is a short one.

And I didn't charge my camera enough... after yesterday event.
I have not pumped enough air for my waifu... difficult to ride on it.
It has been a while since I cycled this road to my quiet place, this road got cut in half and have to share the road with one direction vehicles.
Ahhhh... that quiet place :) Love the tranquility here.
Look around how quiet and peaceful this place is
My waifu was so happy today that I finally brought her out.
Listen to the surrounding.
Hiding my fat and be emo about it, LOL!
Okay! Don't waste time. My phone battery low depreciated so fast, I will have to stop any pictures taking.
My waifu and I moment.
Last picture for the day.
Reading time and calmed my mind to let me stay away of my lump problem.
I learned that Life, Aging, Sickness and Death are parts of life. So if our house broke down, we just try our best to repair it. When time is up, we just have to learn to let go than obsess it.
Just leave it to Heaven's hand and go through the scan. Hope for the Best and Prepare for the Worst.
Time to clean my waifu - she was dirty and dusty, I glad she is happy today.
Sunday time to chill for Monday interview.


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