Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Personal - Mystery Lump Growth (Part 1)

Hi Blog,

It was a late post and I didn't have time to make a proper one, then I made it in my random post dated on 8th Aug 2018. In this post, I will make a slightly detailed report of my mysterious growth lump.

Can see? There was a big lump found on the 7th Aug 2018 evening.

So I decided to visit a doctor nearby my workplace and Doctor asked a few questions like "Do I have Coughing? Flu? Fever these days?" My reply was negative and I don't feel pain, itch or sore, which puzzled the doctor a while then he told me to...

Finish this antibiotics and if the lump still not subsides, I need to seek opinion from a specialist.
Doctor suspected it might be a lymph node or a virus infection, so I did some research...

Oh my... it sounded so serious. Hope for the best and... prepare for the worst.
After a week, I felt the lump got bigger and slight sore... and while I was still on medication, I went to TCM and he claimed it is due to heatness.

I went through a long resting acupuncture session, I feel lesser pain.
Then I visited this TCM for four rounds... Even though, I felt TCM might help but per acupuncture session is $48!!! (48 x 4 = 188!!!) And he just said, do it until I recover... Oh Gosh, How will I know I will recover??? So I decided to seek a specialist's opinion and got a referral letter from Polyclinic (post link)

On the 23rd Aug 2018, I went to specialist check-up by a beautiful young 'chio' doctor. She did a surgery procedure - Nasal Endoscopy, to exam my throat and nothing was found in my throat; she suggested I might get some TB... Seriously... after HIV (post link), and now TB??? Then she suggested to extract some cell from the lump for further investigations. so... I popped three fine needles to be sent to three labs for future examination.

Painful experience for my neck and wallet...
After two weeks, the reports showed no sign of major disease.
Meanwhile, I also went for a CT scan to check whether I have virus in my chest. Below are some of the images and videos of the scan.

I managed to get the CT scan picture of how big the node is (right side of the image). Shhh... Don't ask me how I get it.
I managed to make a short video of the CT scan from my frontal to back. Technology is amazing!
A scan around my neck area from my head to my chest.
A frontal scan of my chest area. My apology - no sign of muscular chest detected.
A top scan of my chest area down. My apology also of no sign of muscular chest detected. I was amazed to see my heart and lungs for the first time, it looks like a network of veins!
They scanned and measured the node is around 5cm! That's large!
Specialist suggested it could be (1) Malignancy Cancer somewhere in my body so a Biopsy will speed up the finding but she also worried it can be (2) TB tuberculosis disease if biopsy, will cause the wound unhealed properly. The specialist still suspected it might be TB with a 15%  possibility. (3) Immune issue - just by taking pills. So she wanted me to take up biopsy but... I told her my main worry is possibility (2) that I might spread to the people especially my pupils... then she suggested Ultrasound and PET Scan
I decided to take more tests - Ultrasound or maybe PET scan (very expensive scan...). After I left the room, a nurse passed me a piece of note and it was a heart-warming note. Don't you think so?
After feeling warm in my mind and soul, I went for the UltraSound scan.

Something which worries me... They found a few enlarged nodes at my right side of my neck... As what the specialist had said... the problem might be in somewhere of my body and I have no choice but to take up PET scan to narrow the malignancy tumor/cancer....
I checked my bank... I have nothing left after the PET scan.... it costs me $1600 for the scan... I hope it is not serious issue...

Two outcomes - One (best outcome): they found nothing and just take pills. Maybe do a biopsy which I won't... and live my life with this lump. Two (worst): I found a cancer/tumor somewhere and I have to go through Chemotherapy... I doubt I will do it...

I learn that... Maybe Heaven trying to tell me something... Maybe I am not good and need to repent... I guess I will stop doing something in future. Something to do with the 'egg'. I might anger the nature in some way, so I will reduce the amount of 'egg' as time goes by. I think you will understand it, my friend, blog.
I have updated part 2 in a new post here. For the moment... I will wait for the PET scan, and recovery of my wallet wealth... Hope for the Best and Prepare for the Worst.


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