Sunday, September 30, 2018

Personal - Random September

Hi Blog,

I think again... I will just leave the randomness for the month posts as the end of the month together with overview. Less visited but does it really have to bother me?

2nd Sep 2018 - I have revived my another IG account about clouds, Ilovecloudsky, if anyone keens.
3rd Sep 2018 - Today I am kind of ill... But I still go for a slow jog and try to complete the theme.
5th Sep 2018 - I have got feverish for three days plus... I felt so cold that I had worn three jackets to keep myself warm in air-con place... but I felt so weak... All due to the antibiotics from specialist... Too strong for me...
6th Sep 2018 - I stopped taking the antibiotics and felt better. Even though I still feel feverish but at least I don't feel that weak. So after work, I just went for a short hike than jogging. This could be my new theme for my trisuit collection. :D
13th Sep 2018 - Doctor detected that I have a few enlarged nodes at my right side of my neck... I guessed that I have no choice to attend a PET scan... expensive and I have no choice... What makes me worry, is to discover something which will affect and change my life completely. Not that I fear of changes, I just don't want to see my mother worrying of me. Anyway, no matter what... It is best to discover the hidden cause in my body.
14th Sep 2018 - It has been a while since I swim. I wish I can lay down for sunbathing without any sandfly bites and judgmental stares. When will I able to do so? :(
16th Sep 2018 - Tomorrow I will go for the interview and hope I got the job.
17th Sep 2018 - Now I am waiting for the interviewer to arrive. I am so nervous now... Hope it will turn out well.
21st Sep 2018 - My weight dropped below 70kg. From 73kg to 70kg, is an achievement. Not sure it is due to my workout - jogging or... sickness from my lump.
22nd Sep 2018 - Eating so much today. Since there is no raining, let's go for a short jog and complete the theme. OOPS! There are many visitors that distracted my shot.
23rd Sep 2018 - We went for a trampoline session and learned some new tricks together. We sure have fun together. :)
24th Sep 2018 - Lunar Festival is a day when family and friends appreciate the moon and some mooncake. This year, I received Mooncake gift from E (gracious gesture) and these cute mooncakes - Tsum Tsum Mooncake; I dare not bite it.
27th Sep 2018 - This year I was given a role as a Liaison Officer, basically guarding the toilet and gazing the bright sky, revise Japanese Language in my head.
29th Sep 2018 - FINALLY I GOT A CHANCE TO SWIM after a month ago!!!
30th Sep 2018 - Last picture for the last day of the month. Smile!

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