Saturday, September 22, 2018

Trip - National Orchid Garden

Hi Blog,

Today we were invited to my friend's daughter wedding lunch and the location was in the Botanic Garden. Oh my... What a rich couple! They also informed us that, after lunch, we can visit the National Orchid Garden which got me excited. :D

I don't bring anything but I brought along my Aukey Lenses (you can read up more about it)
As a Singaporean, I have not actually had a good knowledge of the Botanic Garden and especially the National Orchid Garden; but I have a rough idea of what it is.
After visiting the Orchid Garden, we will attend our friend's wedding lunch here.
Great :) They had catered vegetarian in western style.
I loved the food so much, I finished three to four plates of food. Feeling full now...
Oh well... After Congrat the newly couple, let's GO TO THE GARDEN!
National Orchid Garden. Fun fact - Before Gardens by the Bay, NOG was used to be the mini Gardens by the Bay with Orchid-focus.
Nice place to take photos :)
Is everyone ready to enter the garden?
Oh dear... the area which grey-out, is the mini-dome where is cooling and have pitcher plant too...
Anyway... Despite it is an 'old' tourist attraction but there is a strong flow of tourists to NOG; which mean... crowded.
And beautiful ladies.
Because tourists started to flood the place, I had a difficult time to take pictures.
See no Evil and Hear no Evil. My perfectionistic kicked in and I CAN'T find the remaining two...
One thing interesting is that, in this Garden, there are large varieties of orchids species or hybrids to be appreciated.
Did you see the orchid smiling at you?
Too bad, I dare not take a lot of photos at this area because behind me...
Is an area of display of VIP Orchids which named after many famous people.
I should bring a DSLR to capture the beauty of the orchids.
Some interesting display here and there
Perfect scene for a wedding shot
I only capture these orchids but can't complete all because I heard a storm is coming.
One fun fact about NOG, Orchid is Singapore national flower. There is a facility where we breed/cross newer orchids. In order for Orchid to pollinate, it requires a bit of "help".

You can check out this video to see how complexity to pollinate an orchid flower.
And this is how Orchid tricks the pollinators.

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