Thursday, September 20, 2018

Jogging - Loads of GIF

Hi Blog,

Today night I had nothing on, it was rare to have a night off during weekday so I decided to go for a short jog and complete the theme set.

I decided to make this post images as GIF format so warning, it will take up HIGH data consumption.
Making a blog post with GIF images because J told me, my blog post with GIF made it look lively and interesting. For me, my concern for making GIF image, is that it will take a long long time to load this post. Anyway, you have been warned.

Join me with a short jog now!
To the left or right... hmm...
Jogging through houses and admiring the wealthy people living condition
Usually, drivers will just stare at me while I stood for traffic to clear. Oh well... I just heck care.
Getting ready to complete the set #12 :D
Oh yeah... During just an hour ago, there was a heavy storm and I believed today jog was a quiet one :3
Mini waterfalls were everywhere and had this calming effect on my mind. 
Continue jogging
I was counting... This might be the last collection theme because I am draining of ideas.
Meanwhile, I also played my Pokemon GO by hatching the eggs, because it needs to feed on the distance in real-time.
Preparing for a shot for Theme #14, trying to sit properly. Haha...
Hmmm... I just don't like my shoes in muddy ground and tried to jog slowly.
Used to make a theme #6 at this place after a successful jog
Oh well. By using a live photo to take pictures, play Pokemon GO, and have two GPS apps working in the background, speed-consuming my phone battery life. So I have to stop here.

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