Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Plants - SG VFT Survivor Clones - 7th Update

Hi Blog,

Here is a short update of my remaining drying VFT and new experiment. You may check my previous update here.

Three months ago, I have a tray of Live Sphagnum Moss and Pings which doesn't grow well at my VFT growing area, so I decided to put it outside my house together with my pitcher plants. Surprisingly, it actually grows well outside.
I learned why the Moss and Ping grow so well outside than inside, because of the fresh air flow from the area. So I decided to save some of my VFT (especially my favourite Wacky Trap and some random cutting) in this moss.

Here is the result after two weeks.

I forgot what is this cultivar... and I am not sure whether I got the correct angle or not. Hahahaha... But at least it seems promising!
VFT - Big Mouth, I just put a dormant one and observe it's growth. Oh my! It is awakening!
VFT - Wacky Trap, It is growing well!
Combined D's suggestion of the algae-infection idea... I can only conclude the air flow at our growing area mattered a lot! I decide to bring the dormant VFTs outside my house.

Hope it works.
Check out the constant airflow at this area

Updated on 23rd Sep 2018
Here is some new update #8


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