Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Blog - February Overview

Hi Blog,

This is my Feb Overview. It is an overview of this month posts, Hope you will enjoy.
1st Feb 2018 -
My First Swimming Experience
2nd Feb 2018 -
Attending my cosuin's wedding
3rd Feb 2018 -
First Accident
4th Feb 2018 -
Battling with Unknown
11th Feb 2018 -
Last Hike of Rooster Year
12th Feb 2018 -
My 2018 Resolution
15th Feb 2018 -
18th Feb 2018 -
CNY days
19th Feb 2018 -
Well Spent With Nature
20th Feb 2018 -
Mr Bean Plush
21st Feb 2018 -
Regretful Purchase
25th Feb 2018 -
Busy Weekend
27th Feb 2018 -
Trisuit Collection Updated
Check out my
February Randomness
27th Feb 2018 -
Tampines Quarry Revisit Again

Personal - Random February

Hi Blog,

Note: About my randomness of the month post - it doesn't update daily. (I shall update only when I took picture randomly and serves as a collective post for my short moment of the day (isn't length enough to become a post)). So I conclude I shall post this until the end of the month. What do you think?

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Trip - Tampines Quarry Revisit Again (Part 1)

Hi Blog,

Yesterday I had a bit of time to spare between collection of certain items and the next meeting, so I decided to visit Tampines Quarry again. Previously, I had visited this place twice (here) and (here).

This time, I decided to do a good walk around the quarry (one side of the quarry)

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Personal - Busy Weekend

Hi Blog,

It was a short post for my weekend... Oh my... I have a busy weekend!

Trying to spend whatever spare time to rest.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Personal - Regretful Purchase

Hi Blog,

Today I was excited to receive my dream item from Japan but it turned out... my most regretful purchase...

Let's unboxed.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Product - Mr Bean Plush

Hi Blog,

I have to make this as a post itself because it is too smart and adorable. Have you purchased Mr Bean plush? NO! I don't mean the Mr Bean's Teddy! I am referring to Mr Bean, the soya drink plush - the handless bean with a sticking-out tongue which will make Goomba jealous.

At the River HongBao, Mr Bean stall was there too and infront of their front pouch, I found many Mr Bean plush smiling (waving) at everyone.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Hiking - Well Spent With Nature

Good morning Blog,

Preparing myself for morning hike during my off.
It has been awhile since I wear my white suit and today will be the day to wear it. Packed my broken camera and powerbank, ready for the hike; healing in the process.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Personal - Three Days of Ups and Downs

CNY Blog,

Here I shall share with you what I had gone through during these three days of CNY because there were ups and downs of my mood.

16th Feb 2018 - 1st Day of CNY

Dressed up and hoped for the best. (I have not forgotten the "prepare for the worst" here)

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Personal - CNY Eve

Hi Blog,

Recently I didn't make a long post and engaged in jogging due to my chest injury, but I do update regularly in random post (link). In this post, I will update my CNY eve happening, hmmmm... PURE EATING AND FAT-GAINING!!!

As my iPad didn't die on me, this drawing for zodiac - Dog, my love for Corgi. Woof Woof!

Monday, February 12, 2018

Personal - My 2018 Resolution

Hi Blog,

Even since I set my 2017 resolution (post); I took baby-steps to achieve it, even though I felt happy that I feel 'better' of myself and slowly explore the real me. (2017 dec post) So I decide to make 2018 resolution.

It will be a personal lengthy boring post, you may skip it.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Hiking - Last Hike for Year of Rooster

Hi Blog,

After a week from my bicycle fall, my chest still yet recovered but I have not engaged any workout for some days.

I shall go for hiking today.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Personal - Battling With Unknown Force

Hi Blog,

It will be a short post which I will like to share with you, which was about a battle between me and a ‘pusher’.

This is a SG bike (Another new mobile bike in Singapore)
Okay so what’s the story?

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Cycling - First Accident

Hi Blog,

Lazy... and tired...
Today somehow I tried to force myself to wake up for anything. I was too tired but cannot give in to my laziness.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Personal - Attending My Cousin's Wedding

Hi Blog,

My ever first family (father's side) photo.
Today was my cousin's wedding day (my father's side relatives). To be honest, we barely know one another especially my uncle. Even my cousin's name... I only registered his by today. We flow the same blood but we are a total stranger... I am asking myself, is it because I didn't put enough effort to know one another?

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Swimming - My First Swim Experience

Hi Blog,

There is one thing I want to share with you, that is my first swimming pool where I started swimming - Ang Mo Kio Swimming Complex.

Top view of AMK swimmming Complex
Whatever look the AMK swimming complex is - the tiles, the colour and layout, still the same since I was young.