Monday, February 19, 2018

Hiking - Well Spent With Nature

Good morning Blog,

Preparing myself for morning hike during my off.
It has been awhile since I wear my white suit and today will be the day to wear it. Packed my broken camera and powerbank, ready for the hike; healing in the process.

Honestly, my butt still wanted to stick on the bed but I have to do something.
I felt refreshing :)
Because of not many people on the street than a weekend!
I felt so 'FREE'
Is that crack disturbing in every picture? Oh well... I just take it as part of the design/pic.
Quiet :) I can sing a song!
Funny scene - I noticed that every wooden panel parked a fly like 'fly-port' waiting for departure.
You know when the whole jungle is yours... what will you do? SPAM ALL PICTURES! but I didn't...
One down, two more poses to go!
Oh My! Coloured Dove!
Despite the lesser crowd, the sun still hot and sunny. :D
The broken lens actually created a natural image effect.
White suit, white band, white sock, white spect, white camera, white phone-cover, white... I just love white.
Along the way, I spent some time to look around at plants. There are many plants flowering but because I needed to reach Beauty World station to meet one of my friends who wants to join the hike, I can only take this beautiful single white flower.
How I wish I can be a tall guy...
Eventually, I was late for meet-up timing.
Today my colleague, Sn wanted to explore quarries. Well... Who else will do this job? Me! Hahahaha! For the start, we will stick to three quarries for the day.

Hindhede Quarry - nice and quiet
Sn checking around undisturbed.
Singapore Quarry - Sn's first time
The broken lens hmmm...
Looked weird in some images
But it can cover some people XD
It has been awhile since I did my last jumpshot.
Credit Sn for helping to take this pictures for me - look like a monster in front of me.
I also glad he is open of me in trisuit. LOL.
Webbing. :)
My favourite quarry - Daily Farm Quarry
Trying to capture Daily Farm Quarry at a different side
Along the path, a carpet was on the ground... hmmm... Mother Nature, I am home!
From what I had seen... I have a new idea! I will want to visit quarries at night. :) Who wants to join me?


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