Saturday, February 3, 2018

Cycling - First Accident

Hi Blog,

Lazy... and tired...
Today somehow I tried to force myself to wake up for anything. I was too tired but cannot give in to my laziness.

Just 'nuaing' (sticking) on my bed
Lucky EK asked to meet up for breakfast and helped out his house matter, so I took my own sweet time to prepare and wore my new Tron cycling jersey.

Let's go! I felt... the bottom of my tron jersey is a bit too loose.
But I will learn to embrace the suit.
After helped out a bit at his place, time to return home.
Nice Saturday - I wish I have enough strength to do a long ride.
While riding back, I learned a new way to speed up my riding. Usually, I will take around 4-5mins to cover 1km at normal pacing, now I tried to ride my waifu by narrow my shoulder and grasp of handlebars to form a V-shaped in front, and you know what? I took 2-3mins to cover 1km! While I rode down a slope at AMK... Something happened...

Opposite my direction, there was a rider cycling upslope but uncertain of sticking to a lane (because he was trying to cycle upwards) and I was trying to avoid a person in front of my lane and collision with the rider too, then I pressed my brake...

I guessed I press it too hard, my waifu started to flip from the back and turned 360 degree forwards to the rider. Thank goodness no one got injured, include my waifu (just a few scratches)

Right knee: Painful scratches
Left knee: Slightly scratches but blue-black under the wound
Hands: A few minor cut and both palms got wounded by the impact. You can see the condition of my glove.
My left foot got swollen!
If you can see clearly, there was blue-black at my ribcage.
I felt mild pain in my ribcage... but thank Heaven because of 塞翁失馬焉知非福 (you can check the story from the youtube below)
Lucky SJ's house is nearby, I made a call and asked for plasters. Thank you SJ and QH for your hospitality.
Seriously... My ribcage... ouch... Lucky my waifu is still in good condition.
Despite my injuries, that didn't stop me from tidying my garden.
My mother helped me on the bandaging.
In our parents’ eyes, we are still a kid. You can tell from their eyes when we got injured. They will make sure they do their best to ensure you recovered. Thank you, mother and sorry for letting you worrying, thank Heaven for such non-serious accident.

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