Thursday, February 15, 2018

Personal - CNY Eve

Hi Blog,

Recently I didn't make a long post and engaged in jogging due to my chest injury, but I do update regularly in random post (link). In this post, I will update my CNY eve happening, hmmmm... PURE EATING AND FAT-GAINING!!!

As my iPad didn't die on me, this drawing for zodiac - Dog, my love for Corgi. Woof Woof!
Ever since I started working and during CNY period, companies will have their practice (not traditional) of LoHei (source). Something made me feel so different this year.
My Vice-principal, Mdm O.
Two friendly aunties treated me as their god-child.
Smile :) You work hard for the school. Thank you no matter how much you have done.
Others colleagues :)
So happy to be part of the picture, usually I will be the one standing behind the pictures; and I am used to it, but today is different, they insisted. :) feel so appreciated.
After a Valentine’s Day and now about to new year, it has been for many years, I went through many ‘flooding (challenges)’, ‘forgotten’, ‘blocking’ (people cut connecting with me) and more; why will I depend on others to live up my life? Just live at the moment and moving toward my goal and mission in life. Jia you to me and happy new year to everyone :)
Night time, we decided to try to have our reunion dinner outside than steamboat.
After paying costly dinner, lack of proper management, and bad service... I can only thank the staff for working hard, hope they have a good celebration and rest.
Wish everyone won’t stop or restrict by our own limitation, and able to improve and live our lives with joy!

Thanks ZQ for this meaningful wishes 在新的一年裡,送大家“十堅”:堅強、堅決、堅信、堅守、堅持、堅定、堅固、堅忍、堅毅、堅貞.


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